So atheists and pagans who doesn’t recognize God, and committing sins can get punished for eternity, if God decide?
The way I understand your question, it seems to me that you’re asking whether God has no power over those who refuse to believe in him. So, I might rephrase the question: if you refuse to recognize the authority of your local police force, can they nevertheless throw you in jail? It’s not the question of
belief that gives God authority – it’s the fact that He is, actually, God!
How about poor childs of pagans who died under 5 years old without baptism etc? Will they go to hell for eternity if they had stole something in their shorter lifetime?
There’s no precise definition of the “age of reason”, but we’d say that a young child cannot make the kind of choice that could be considered “mortal sin”. And therefore, they cannot be condemned for personal sin.
they do not go to Heaven or Hell, but they go to children’s limbo …
That is
absolutely not what the Catholic Church teaches. You might want to read
The Hope of Salvation for Infants who Die Without Being Baptized, which is found at the Vatican website.
We do not assert that there is a “children’s limbo”, nor that anyone has a final judgment that places them anywhere else but ‘heaven’ or ‘hell’.
What about Catholics if one skipped Sunday Mass for more sleep, had lust on someone, committed masturbation and contraception, then got murdered by a robber before his confession? Will he get punished for eternity?
If your question is “can one unrepented mortal sin lead to hell?”, then the answer is
yes. However, your questions don’t consider whether the person had repented and wished to go to confession. That would be a critical question to ask!
And how about Luke 16:24? Will the rich man stay on fire for eternity, since he enjoyed his lifetime with his wealth pretty much?
That depends on whether you interpret that parable as describing ‘hell’ or ‘purgatory’. Personally, I think that it doesn’t make sense to interpret it as ‘purgatory’, so the answer to your question is ‘yes’ – he’s in hell, and it’s eternal.
A classic question I always heard was “can an atheist go to heaven?” The answer : why would they want to be part of something they do not believe in?
I guess it would depend on what flavor of atheist they consider themselves – positive assertion of the non-existence of God, or simply asserting that God’s existence hasn’t been sufficiently proven. We’d also ask whether their lack of belief is imputable to them, or if they’re ‘invincibly ignorant’.