Care to explain thisand Catholics who obsess over apparitions of Mary…Fatima…etc…
Care to explain thisand Catholics who obsess over apparitions of Mary…Fatima…etc…
Jesus is God. You are Catholic, and on a Catholic Forum in a Catholic section.but Jesus is just a Guru…a teacher… that’s it…
I’d probably be Buddhist too, but with the deeply spiritual practices found within Catholicism (like the ones I specifically mentioned above) and the very robust metaphysical, explanatory value of Thomism, I imagine that I’ll never feel a need to leave the church for anything else. I think you made the point earlier where you asked (basically) what goods do any other religions have that Catholicism doesn’t also have? That’s how I see it too. Whatever truth, goodness and beauty are found elsewhere are also contained within Catholicism, and much more besides. However, that could possibly just be my prejudicial self speaking, and I need to be sensitive to that. Although I’ve studied the major religions (just like I’ve studied philosophical systems that rival Thomism), still, can I truthfully assert that I’m an expert on, say, Islam or Buddhism? No, not an expert. But I don’t feel threatened by my lack of expertise. Surely, God loves all of humanity such that he wouldn’t make the path back to him so immeasurably difficult as to force us to become experts in all religions before we can find the “right” one and thereby attain salvation.We can see in everyday life that the objective world of flesh and matter is real. With the Buddhists, and if I wasn’t Catholic, I’d probably be Buddhist; I always ask: If there’s No Self; then what’s reincarnating life after life? They have no satisfactory answer to that question.
Yes, Ignatian spirituality is great. The constant refrain of asking “Where is God in this?” is a fantastically, deeply spiritual move that undoubtedly pays many dividends to its practitioners. We are fortunate indeed to be part of a religion with many deep, spiritual paths within it (and robust intellectualism to boot!) :v:t3:I need Heart in my spirituality. Once I discovered the contemplative Catholic spiritualities like the Ignatian
Why did you convert, what led you to conversion to catholicism and why are you allowing all the negatives like anti catholic or divisive catholic web sites, what you term ‘bad Catholics’ all influence you.Remember that I am a convert to Catholicism and I’ve had a lot of anti-catholic programming/brainwashing since I was young…not to mention exampes of “bad Catholics” that I have met and heard about over the years… but I do like G K. Chesterton though and even C.S. Lewis. But Freemasonry is really strong here where I live…East county area of San Diego…
So have many saints. And Martyrs. And normal everyday practicing Catholics.Maybe I’m deeply jaded…but I came from a very dysfunctional family background…
Did you undergo RCIA and attain the SacramentsI heard a voice in my heart that told me to go to the Catholic Church…but now that voice is leading me to Hinduism and Buddhism…