Lately, I have had a really hard time reconciling the things I was brought up to believe with the modern thinking of the church on several issues. I guess I’m not so much struggling with my faith as I am dishearted by the modern church.
These are the issues I find myself questioning:
Please pray for me, I have four children that I am bringing up in the church. I am teaching them the traditions; rosaries, novenas, fasting, etc. I take them to mass. They go to a catholic school. I am going through the motions, but my heart is not in it.
These are the issues I find myself questioning:
- I feel like the church has become political, caring more about appearing “with the times” or otherwise “cosmopolitan” to the modern culture. Why doesn’t the church come out with fists raised about issues such as abortion? Why aren’t pro-abortion politicians publicly excommunicated?
- I feel the church has become Socialist, advocating more and more the redistribution of income from “wealthy” countries to “poorer” countries without demanding certain moral standards, such as freedom of religion, outlawing abortion, and human rights from said countries? Liberation theology comes to mind.
- I feel the church no longer reguards itself as THE salvation for mankind. “As long as your a good person, you’ll go to heaven, reguardless of the fact that you don’t believe in Jesus and refuse to adhear to the sacraments, it’s OK. And far be it from us to tell you that your soul may be in danger of hell. We do not judge you or anything you do for that matter.”
- I struggle to believe and find truth in the idea that the church does not change. I was involved in a discussion on capital punishment in another thread and am convinced that the church has changed it’s teaching on this matter. I also believe the church has changed it’s teaching on divorce. They may say, “no, not divorce it’s annulment, it’s different”. Tell that to the children left in the wake of an ever number of increasing split catholic families. Whatever happened to “What God has joined let no man put assunder?”
- I do not understand how NFP is not the same thing as birth control such as the condom. The intent, in both circumstances, it to prevent pregnancy. Plus, according to the NFP people, it is actually more effective than condoms, so one would think that the possibility for the creation of life is greater using a condom than using NFP. I have heard all of the arguments for why NFP is not birth control, but they are nonsensical to me. They are not convincing to me in a rational way.
- I don’t understand why the mass had to be changed. It seems that in the last few decades understanding and belief in matters such as the Real Pressance, need for confession, and the Sunday obligation, have gotten worse, not better. Why did the church abandon the old ways that instilled much greater reverance, than the t-shirt and flip flop life teen masses of today.
When will the church learn that no matter how cool you try to be, to teenagers you will still be just an old hippie? Kids don’t need more friends, they need parents. The flock needs shephards, stop watering everthing down in order to fill the pews so as not to “offend” anyone. In my opinion, more people in this world NEED to be offended. They NEED to feel shame, it is a leap on the road to reconciliation. - I have trouble believing that muslims worship the same God.
- I fear it is a matter of time before, priests are married, woman are priests, and homosexuals are married.
- I am beginning to doubt that the church I now follow is the One True Faith founded by Christ.
Please pray for me, I have four children that I am bringing up in the church. I am teaching them the traditions; rosaries, novenas, fasting, etc. I take them to mass. They go to a catholic school. I am going through the motions, but my heart is not in it.