Struggling with Same Sex Attractions

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You are an amazing example of one who seeks to deny himself for the sake of Christ and live his faith. The Holy Spirit must be doing amazing things in you. I struggle with the same problem of impure thoughts sometimes (though from a heterosexual perspective). I will definitely be praying for you.
                               God bless,
You are fighting a battle that not many of us have to face.  You have my prayers.

There was a VERY interesting program today on Revelant Radio.
A book by a Christian writer about men who need to conquer six distinct battles for a life with Christ. One of the battles is dealing with sexual matters.
This program will repeat again tonight at 6PM Central Time…do the math!
go to
You will find the last caller very interesting. 🙂

Go with God!
It’s not easy, you know. Society and the APA and culture at school is very pro-homosexuality and considers what I am doing “repressing” myself. It’s silly and stupid, and it makes life difficult.
I would suspect that it will get worse as society move more and more in that direction. Can you imagine the amount of hate mail an organization like Courage gets? :eek:
I have contacted Father Harvey before, but he only told me what I already knew. As far as finding a psychologist who agrees with the teachings of the church. I will contact him again, however.
I don’t know if you already learned this from Fr. Harvey, but the Courage website does list a contact person in Austin, TX: Fr. Robert Becker, (512) 926-2552. I don’t know if it’s current, but it’s worth checking to see if he knows of any faithful Catholic psychologists in the area.

Also, on the Courage website, there’s a link on the left side called “Related Websites” (in the “Perspectives” section). There might be useful information for you there as well. I don’t think NARTH is a Catholic organization, but they may also have information on psychologists in your area, maybe even Catholic ones.

May the Holy Spirit bless you and guide you always!
I would suspect that it will get worse as society move more and more in that direction. Can you imagine the amount of hate mail an organization like Courage gets? :eek:
It’s not going to get easier that’s for sure.
However, maybe that is where the martyrdom begins…

Stay Strong!
God IS with Us!
I am just going to reply with out reading the other posts so I hope I am not repeating anything. I was watching EWTN the other night and there was a program on about chasity. What I gathered from this program was in NY there is program Called the Chasity Program i think it is called that but it is headed by a priest who’s back ground is in psycology, he meets with homosexual men and women who are struggling with this problem. It really sound like a great program. i am pretty sure that you can go to the EWTN website and find out more about this program and see if there is one near you.

Good luck and God Bless you.🙂
While I do not have any tips, I can relate to this. I have been posting here for a few weeks now (about a month and a half acutally, I just checked 🙂 ) and have mentioned straying from the Catholic Church after joining as a convert via RCIA. I strayed in part by following my own same sex attractions and the “gay is ok” lies of the secular world (and even the very liberal parts of various religions).

I have returned to the Catholic Church (the parts of the Catholic chruch failthful to the Pope and tradition) and am determined to follow what the teachings and traditions of the church tell me.

I am actually watching this thread now for tips myself. I would see threads about homosexuality in the past and all the flaming going on and would be afraid to say anything, especially to admit that this is what I had done myself. Though I have had only one same sex relationship beyond friendship, I know this was one too many. Though that was the only relationship beyond friendship I ever had, it and the impure thoughts I entertained and the misguided effort I put into finding someone to get involved with were gravely sinful.

Parts of what kept me silent were my own guilt, fear of being flamed, and the impact it would have on any chances of having a religious vocation. It was about 10 years ago I started down the very wrong path, and even after going to confession about it, I still am haunted by my terrible choices I made back then.

In addition I struggle gender identity issues and even considered going through a “gender reassignment” aka “sex change operation”. It was only a few years ago that I turned away from that (and I think the beginning of my actually “hearing” the Lord’s call back home to the one true faith…The Catholic Church).

My nickname is “Ricky” and for awhile I even went by “Rick”:o . Now I am restoring my name to what my mother (who named me after her mother) gave me, “Rosadel”. I too could use some help that is faithful to traditional church teachings. Sadly, at my parish, a couple of the leaders of the group that guided me in my return to church had a “gay is ok” attitude :eek: . To paraphrase Fr. Benedict Groeschel, I could use all the help I can get in my spiritual journey.

EaManwe, I admire your courage to be honest and you are in my prayers.
Here are a couple good articles about how some homosexuals overcame it. It is on a non-catholic christian website, but catholics and evangelicals are laregely in agreement on this issue. It is also important that they are written those who have struggled with this.

The first article is about what the real issue is, and he explains it much better than i could in this short sentence.

The second is about, while you may not be able to control your attractions, you can control your behavior.

“What About Gays Needs to Change? It may not be what you think!”

“Obedience Made the Difference”
by Tim Wilkins of Cross Ministry

And I hope you take Karl’s advice and ask his contacts for help. Don’t be embarassed, they care and will want to help because you are a valuable human being worth helping.

I have a similar life but I am still here at 40 years. Perseverance has given me a spiritual director, a good psychiatrist, and a end in sight for taking medications. Other problems will arise but if God’s grace got me this far it will take me the rest of the way.

Should I break into my rendition of Amazing Grace.😃
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