While I do not have any tips, I can relate to this. I have been posting here for a few weeks now (about a month and a half acutally, I just checked

) and have mentioned straying from the Catholic Church after joining as a convert via RCIA. I strayed in part by following my own same sex attractions and the “gay is ok” lies of the secular world (and even the very liberal parts of various religions).
I have returned to the Catholic Church (the parts of the Catholic chruch failthful to the Pope and tradition) and am determined to follow what the teachings and traditions of the church tell me.
I am actually watching this thread now for tips myself. I would see threads about homosexuality in the past and all the flaming going on and would be afraid to say anything, especially to admit that this is what I had done myself. Though I have had only one same sex relationship beyond friendship, I know this was one too many. Though that was the only relationship beyond friendship I ever had, it and the impure thoughts I entertained and the misguided effort I put into finding someone to get involved with were gravely sinful.
Parts of what kept me silent were my own guilt, fear of being flamed, and the impact it would have on any chances of having a religious vocation. It was about 10 years ago I started down the very wrong path, and even after going to confession about it, I still am haunted by my terrible choices I made back then.
In addition I struggle gender identity issues and even considered going through a “gender reassignment” aka “sex change operation”. It was only a few years ago that I turned away from that (and I think the beginning of my actually “hearing” the Lord’s call back home to the one true faith…The Catholic Church).
My nickname is “Ricky” and for awhile I even went by “Rick”

. Now I am restoring my name to what my mother (who named me after her mother) gave me, “Rosadel”. I too could use some help that is faithful to traditional church teachings. Sadly, at my parish, a couple of the leaders of the group that guided me in my return to church had a “gay is ok” attitude

. To paraphrase Fr. Benedict Groeschel, I could use all the help I can get in my spiritual journey.
EaManwe, I admire your courage to be honest and you are in my prayers.