"Studying doesn't count"

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“Unless you convert people, studying doesn’t count.”
This seems very specific. Does this parishioner have an apostolate involving conversion, or are they just particularly motivated by evangelization generally. It’s a very specific reason they gave you for why “studying doesn’t count,” and it sounds like this parishioner feels as if whatever it is that you’re doing or not doing, it’s interfering with their own evangelization or conversion goals in some way. fwiw. I come in peace.
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Who is this guy and studying doesn’t count for what?
Please be reassured that this guy’s “admonishment” was so unusual that it struck me as utterly bizarre. A Catholic studying the faith when there is no grade? Just to know God better?
God made you to come to know him and love him in this life so as to enjoy eternal life with Him in the next. You’re studying to help you with that? Good job! I don’t know what to tell you about that cryptic fortune cookie “admonishment” you got, except that I’ve never heard anything remotely like it. Who can you convert, if you spend no time converting yourself? To be a disciple is literally to be student. Don’t let anybody discourage you from that!!
To be ignorant of faith is no small matter. Today is the memorial of St. Jerome a Doctor of the faith. “To be ignorant of scripture is to be ignorant of Christ”. St.J.
I heard a good Dominican should die at his desk. Dominicans study as part of their vocation. Keep up the good work. The last thing the evil one wants is people in the church that know their faith…He likes error especially in his priests, religious, bishops, cardinals and popes. And if the laity go along with error he is over joyed, if the evil one even knows what joy is.
What really got to me was I was already in a vulnerable place going into mass, then I get “admonished” as he passes by, then he ducks into the church, and I’m standing there like, “Um, am I an a-hole?!..should I even go in?”
St.Paul said that the Church is the Body of Christ, and we are like different body parts. A hand, a foot, an eye, an ear, … and the guy that talked to you is a perfect a-hole. 🤣

Don’t be discouraged by this. Keep doing what you do best.
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It is not your job to "convert " people. As you become closer to Christ through study, as your relationship to Christ individuals will be naturally drawn to you. They will ask you about about Catholicism. You may even ask you, you than they ask me since I am a Cradle Catholic, what drew you into the Catholic Faith.
You will have an answer, based on what scripture says, for it is the Holy Spirit who gives us the words we need when we need them. it is the Holy Spirit who led you into the Catholic Chuch, who continues to lead you, and who is responsible for the concersion of hearts.
Yes, we are God’s witnesses, more by our actions, by how we live our lives than by our words. Don’t think that you need to evangelize with words, like some type of salesman. God is not counting the number of people you bring into the Church.
Some of us are called to sow the seeds, while another brings the harvest.
Thanks to all who replied! It’s helped me take a step back and a “hands off” approach to this situation for a while. I’m well aware that I can be overly sensitive to constructive criticism. At the same time it seems like it might be good to detach from this particular parish and do some seeking, without severing ties. Don’t let the good be the enemy of the best, so to speak.

Thanks again!

Unless you’re going around flaunting your book-larnin’, just chalk up this comment to an imperfect Christian saying an imperfect thing out of context. 🙂

Keep studying! It does count!

That being said, one has to study in order to put the Faith into practice and I’m an intellectual mystic myself. I came into the Church because it’s true and it is the Church Christ instituted.

As for the man’s (name removed by moderator)ut: One has to study in order to perfect how one can share the Faith in one’s example and knowledge.

I’m sorry you encountered this guy at your parish. Just be loving and forgiving; study, grow and practice the Faith!
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Well, yesterday, one of the other more “established” parishioners made a point to approach me before mass and tell me “Unless you convert people, studying doesn’t count.”
A simple but effective answer to comments of that kind is “I disagree,” said – if at all possible – with a friendly smile.
Fwiw (if the discussion continues to be interesting to folks) this guy has made similar comments to me in the past. The assumption seems to be that all I do is read and give nothing back to the community. Now, I’m single, I work full time and overtime. I don’t have the most physical job, but I’m tired at the end of the day. I contribute financially to the parish and the poor and do volunteer work a couple hours a week.

As for all my reading, I threw my tv out 4 years ago and spend the time I’d be watching tv now reading. I didn’t do it to prove something. I just figured I try life without tv and it seems to work for me. I don’t criticize those who live more conventionally, and if I were in a relationship I’m sure I’d need to get a tv, and maybe a facebook account again (God forbid 🙂 )

I feel like I’ve made some real progress in some areas of my spiritual life lately and I’m wondering if God’s using this guy to test me. I was wondering what Jesus would do, so I thought of making a whip out of cords and chasing him away. 🤣
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The assumption seems to be that all I do is read and give nothing back to the community.
His accusation is clearly untrue. You’re engaged in the RCIA work and you help the parish financially. But – and this is the main point – even if this accusation was true, it would still be none of his business. He would still have nothing to complain about. He’s just being impertinent.
Well, yesterday, one of the other more “established” parishioners made a point to approach me before mass and tell me “Unless you convert people, studying doesn’t count.”
Well that is completely bazaar. Who behaves that way?? How rude!

Sorry you had that experience.

We are many parts and all one body. Your charisms are unique to you. And If study of theology and contemplation are yours then that’s great. Remember that when rude people get you down.
Your studying is a seeking of truth. And that goal is boundless because its to seek God. And the more you know the more you can explain the faith. Maybe there was another motivation with the other person. Jealousy?
I’m wondering if God’s using this guy to test me.
In more ways than one.

Obviously God, working through your fellow parishioner, is testing your charity (patience, forbearance, humility, forgiveness).

Maybe he (God or the parishioner) is also prompting you to think outside your comfortable box. Don’t limit yourself. Maybe you will convert people, in your own way, according to your unique set of gifts. In what other ways are you boxing yourself in?

In your OP, you wrote “I study theology […] not because Jesus is my pal, but because He’s my God.” Okay. If you have a hard time thinking of God as a person (I’m not saying you do, but I do), someday you might develop that sort of relationship (as I am trying to). Be open to it.

Finally, don’t blame your feelings on your fellow parishioner. Yes, he was thoughtless and his remark was inappropriate, but the fact that it hurts so much suggests to me that he hit a spot that was already sore. I have no idea what that might be, but if you look inward or at least make yourself open to introspective insights/hunches, this could be a good development for you.
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“Unless you convert people, studying doesn’t count.”
Respond “The Holy Spirit does the conversions. Scripture gave me my job description ‘let your light so shine before men that they see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven’.”
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