The informal intuitive method: try to think of a counter example: Tinker is a spayed female cat for example. Then Tinker will not have kittens, and if Tinker were a male cat then (anything) because she’s not a male cat. This relies too much on the inner meaning of sentences to be a good answer in sentential logic, but this sort of thinking can help you figure out what direction you should be going when you move to the more formal method, at least until you get used to it.
An argument is valid if for all ways whatsoever of assigning True and False to the basic sentences (whether this way corresponds to reality or not) such that the premises are all true, the conclusion is also true.
Correspondingly, an argument is invalid if there is any way whatsoever of assigning True and False to the basic sentence letters so that the premises are all true and the conclusion is false - such a way being called a counterexample. Generally, the best way to show an argument is invalid is to find such a counterexample
The formal sentential method: Translate it into letters: Let A be Tinker is a male cat, B be Tinker will have kittens.
The argument becomes:
A=>not B
Therefore A
This argument is invalid if there is any way to assign truth values to A and B such that the premises are true and the conclusion false. Assign F to A, T to B.
A=>B is F =>F, which is true according to truth table definitions.
B is True
And A is False.
So all the premises are true and the conclusion is false (under this truth assignment, or valuation), and so the argument is not valid.
Not ____ can be read “it is not the case that ___”
Do the letter thing again: let A be “Clinton was president in 1999” and B be “Dole was president in 1999”. Remember that whether an argument is valid has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not the premises ARE true, only if the conclusion must be true if they WERE true. (For example. the argument “All cats are purple”; “If all cats are purple, then cheese is made out of microwave radiation”; therefore “cheese is made out of microwave radiation” is perfectly valid, even if it is kind of stupid.)
This argument then becomes
Therefore A
Note that NOT ___ is true whenever ___ is false, and vice versa. So NOT (A AND B) is true so long as (A AND B) is false, which is the case so long as at least one of A, B are false.
Again, intuitively, it is possible that someone other than Clinton or Dole was president in 1999. Now, Clinton actually was president in 1999, but that doesn’t actually matter - the question is, if all you knew was that Clinton and Dole were not both president in 1999 and also that Dole was not president in 1999, is that alone enough for you to be certain that Clinton was president?
So again, to do this legitimately, try to find a valuation that is a counter example - assign T and F to A and B in some way so that each premise is true and the conclusion is false.
Good luck on your exam.