Submission to God's Will always obligatory?

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Regardless of whether I SHOULD say “Thy Will be done in all things,” is it a mortal sin (i.e, against the 1st Commandment, & setting up a competing god) for me to REFUSE to say “Thy Will be done in all things”?

(I see nothing in the Catechism to indicate that one MUST, for entrance into Heaven, agree with God’s Will in all things, but that’s exactly what my priest refused to absolve me over today. But I think that absolute conformity to God’s Will is only a “Counsel of Perfection,” for mature Christians.)
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The priest has the ability to refuse absolution if he has reason to believe that the penitent does not firmly resolve to amend their life.

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@(name removed by moderator) - So where exactly does it say in the Bible or official Church Teaching that one should love God more than oneself?
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But is it a mortal sin?
The original post is vague. The confessor, acting in the person of Christ, has the power to absolve or not absolve a penitent, and one must give the benefit of the doubt that he acted prudently and justly.

So, at this point, if I were in your shoes, I would reflect on why I am not contrite or cooperating with God on something, and then pray that it can be resolved so that I can go back to the priest and receive absolution.

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Yes, I’m for real.
Jesus was making the perfect sacrifice.
We Catholics, on the other hand, need the sacrament of Confession PRECISELY BECAUSE our degree of sorrow for our sins does not rise to the level of pure Contrition, but is often only mere Attrition.
That would seem to say, wouldn’t it, that Jesus’s comment “Not my will, but yours be done” is the apex, an exceptional sacrifice, not something that EVERYONE is always obliged to do, wouldn’t it?
Or can the weak-in-faith not be saved unless they become strong-in-faith ?
So again-- Where exactly does it say in the Bible or official Church Teaching that one should love God more than oneself?
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How is it vague?
That latter suggestion of yours can’t be done, at least not without TREMENDOUS GRACE, but Sirach 15 says that “If you will, you can keep the commandments,” as if it is easy.
@(name removed by moderator) -
He says, “whoever does not take up his cross, or loves mother father, etc. more than me . . .
He does not say that they cannot be saved.
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How is it vague?
That latter suggestion of yours can’t be done, at least not without TREMENDOUS GRACE, but Sirach 15 says that “If you will, you can keep the commandments,” as if it is easy.

Whatever you think is impossible, it is possible with God.
@(name removed by moderator) -
Thank you. And do you, or anybody, for that matter, fulfill this 1st & Greatest commandment?
Or rather, is it perhaps a standard/counsel-of-perfection to be aimed at, and achieved to the degree that one has supernatural Charity?
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@(name removed by moderator) - Does God only save those who are worthy of him, or does He also, in His mercy, save some who are in fact unworthy of Him, as they confess to be, at the “Domine non sum dignus”?
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For the record:
I do want His will, in ESSENTIALS, which is keeping that 10 Commandments.
But in peripherals, i.e., whether I should be an average Christian, or a saint, at this time, I wish for my own will.
I am taking a mediocre route
I was taught in moral theology, at Christendom College, that one “Need not do all the good that they COULD do,” that is, perfectly obey all the POSITIVE “thou shalts”; one need only perfectly obey the NEGATIVE “thou shalt not’s.”
So I just want to know whether NOT saying the “Thy will be done,” in the Lord’s Prayer, is violating a “Thou shalt not.”
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You are asking anonymous people on the internet if something is a mortal sin. Really? You went to confession and the priest refused to absolve you of something you confessed to him. You are asking people to judge your sin that we know nothing of and do not want to know of.
is it a mortal sin (i.e, against the 1st Commandment, & setting up a competing god) for me to REFUSE to say “Thy Will be done in all things”?
First, you seem to be certain about what the will of God is in a particular circumstance (the one that absolution was withheld). So if that’s the case, it would depend on the gravity of the matter. If it requires absolution, is it a grave matter?

I don’t think that refusing to do the will of God is necessarily a mortal sin. It depends if the criteria for mortal sin have been met. Right?
I made myself an idol? . . . Does everyone “make [themself] an idol,” and break the 1st Commandment, the moment that they avoid doing some hard task, that God proposes to them?
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I’m just curious, but why wouldn’t you want to do His will in all things? He is the greatest good and the highest standard of love. Are you thinking you are choosing something better for you than His will would provide?

It would seem the only reason this would be the case is if you were wanting to put a sinful desire above God’s will…which would mean you are living in sin.

Not trying to sound judgemental…I’m genuinely curious.
@(name removed by moderator) I did not say that I love myself more than God, only that in SOME EPHEMERAL/PERIPHERAL THINGS, I want my Will rather than His.
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@(name removed by moderator) - I’m basically saying that I don’t love God TOTALLY . . . at least not yet.
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