Suggestions for some downtown missionary work?

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😦 Only one person replied to the events of last time…

Well, we’re going out again tonight, but to a different club this time. Last week, I didn’t go but the Deacon and my fellow parishioner told me that they met some guys from Liberty University that were going inside!:eek: The Deacon told them that they were Catholic, and the three guys told them that they learned a lot about the Catholic Church and Liberty corrected much of their misinformation, half-truths and lies they were taught. Amazing? Sadly, the guys went in anyway, but hopefully some seeds were planted.

We’ll be standing outside again, praying and handing out tracts, courtesy of Catholic Answers (shameless plug for them, but they deserve it! 👍 ). Then after spending about an hour or so there, we’ll head into downtown Roanoke, and probably encounter some Evangelical Protestants. Inshallah (God willing), we hope to plant some seeds for them as well.

Please keep us in your prayers tonight as we venture out again, and may God’s mercy be with us.

Alaha minokhoun
Just to endorse once more. The cartoon tracts from Grotto Press. I know an evangelical Christian who had a bunch on the existence of God and handed them out. Not realizing till later the source. But they are that good.

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