Sunday Readings Discussion - Nov. 6, 2005

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I would like to discuss the upcoming Sunday readings. Perhaps we could share our wisdom a few days before Sunday and then once again on Mon. & Tues. after we have the benefit of homilies. I invite all to participate. Her is a USCCB site which provides the readings throughout the year Just go to their site and click on the date for this Sunday.
In the Gospel reading Matthew 25:1-13, Jesus presents the parable of the 10 virgins and the lamps. What do you feel the lamps and the oil represent in this parable?

In the parable Jesus is encouraging all of us to be prepared because we don’t know the hour or the day of his return. We don’t know the hour or the day of our own parting from this life either. It seems as if the lamps are the light of Christ which we have within us and which we share with others.

Many of us are moved by the initial excitement of a conversion or reconversion moment, and our lights shine brightly. However, when that excitement fades we are left empty and return to our worldly lives. It is those who persevere and continue to replenish their souls with the wisdom of the faith and graces obtained through the Sacraments who, like the virgins in the parable, will be prepared for the Bridegroom whenever He returns for them.
For help getting started, I recommend a visit to my Bible study on the Sunday liturgical readings found at the link below:
Fidelis, thanks for the link. Is this your site? I really enjoyed reviewing this Sunday’s readings and reflections. Is their a discussion segment on your site? If not I’d enjoy some discussion here on CA. Thanks!

Here are some of the questions on the site (in bold) you provided a link for followed by some of my reflections.

**· What is the point of this parable? **

As was noted earlier as we approach Advent the readings favor the message of vigilance and readiness.

**Why is vigilance and personal readiness so important to Jesus’ listeners? In regard to the end of our lives? To the Second Coming? **

Jesus said that we do not know the time of His return; therefore, we need to be ever vigilant by keeping our faith alive through Bible readings, meditations, prayers, corporal works of mercy, and, of course, the Sacraments.

**At the final wedding banquet (Revelation 19:6-9; 21:2-4), which side of the door will you be standing? Why?

· What is the “oil” that keeps your “lamp” lit?

· Who are you most like in this story? Why**?

Oh, Lord I pray that I am prepared to receive the Bridegroom. Unfortunately, I’m afraid that I often get caught up in my daily life setting the Lord aside for later. I believe I’m improving however.

The words of St. Agustine below in bold which were included on this site were an excellent choice for this Sunday’s Gospel. Let us all ** Watch with the heart, watch with faith, watch with love, watch with charity, watch with good works…make ready the lamps, make sure they do not go out…renew them with the inner oil of an upright conscience; then shall the Bridegroom enfold you in the embrace of his love and bring you into His banquet room, where your lamp can never be extinguished.
–St. Augustine **
Saint Augustine (354-430), Bishop of Hippo (North Africa) and Doctor of the Church
Sermon 93

“At midnight”

The ten virgins all wanted to go out to meet the bridegroom. What does going out to meet the bridegroom mean? It is to go out with their heart, it is to live in expectation of his coming. But he delayed his coming, and “they all fell asleep.” … What do those words mean: “they all fell asleep”? There is a sleep that no one can escape. Remember the words of the apostle Paul: “We would have you be clear about those who sleep in death” (1 Thess 4:13), that is to say, those who have died… Thus they have all fallen asleep. Do you think the sensible virgin can escape death? No, whether they be sensible or foolish, they all have to pass by way of the sleep of death…

“At midnight someone shouted.” What does that mean? It happens at the time when no one is thinking of it, when no one is expecting it… He will come at the time when you are least thinking of it. Why will he come like that? Because he says: “The exact time is not yours to know. The Father has reserved that to himself.” (Acts 1:7) The apostle Paul says: “The day of the Lord is coming like a thief in the night.” (1 Thess 5:2) So keep watch during the night so as not to be surprised by the thief. For whether you want it or not, the sleep of death will necessarily come.

However, it will only come when a cry is heard at midnight. What is that cry if not the one about which the apostle Paul said: “in an instant, in the twinkling of an eye, at the sound of the last trumpet. The trumpet will sound and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.” (1 Cor 15:52) After the cry that will resound at midnight: “The groom is here”, what will happen? “They all got up.”
Quaere Verum:
Fidelis, thanks for the link. Is this your site? I really enjoyed reviewing this Sunday’s readings and reflections.
Yes, it was a link to my site–glad you enjoyed the reflections. I prepare one for every Sunday, trying to post it by the previous Wednesday night. If you (or anyone else) would like to recieve it directly, e-mail me and I’ll add you to the e-mail list.
Is there a discussion segment on your site? If not I’d enjoy some discussion here on CA. Thanks!
No, I don’t have a discussion group on my site, but we can start one here.

One thing that leapt out at me while I was preparing the reflections was the question below:
Why is vigilance and personal readiness so important to Jesus’ listeners? In regard to the end of our lives? To the Second Coming?
It seems like some people concentrate on Jesus’ Second Coming at the end of time (i.e. the “Left Behind” folks) at the expense of being ready for his coming at the end of our own lives – something we know will happen to 100% of those alive. It’s a topic we all avoid, but as Christians we should all live our lives with the realization that we will have to give an account of our lives at the end. Advent (and Lent) are opportunities for us to do this.

In light of this, I ran across a very poignant article on this very subject:
I guess this excludes those of us who attend a traditional Latin Mass that follows the Old Missal. Nov 6 Gospel for us was about the wheat and the tares. :bible1:
Eileen T:
I guess this excludes those of us who attend a traditional Latin Mass that follows the Old Missal. Nov 6 Gospel for us was about the wheat and the tares. :bible1:
Not at all Eileen. Why don’t you give your (name removed by moderator)ut into the Gospel you heard today.
Another interesting comment I found in the Haydock Commentary of the Douay-Rheims was that, according to St. Gregory and St. Augustine, the lamps in this story may stand for “the light of faith,” while the oil stands for the “oil of good works.” By this, we can say that the foolish virgins, while they had faith (i.e., the lamps), they had no good works (“oil”) to make that faith of any use in getting into the Kingdom. Thus as St. James says:
What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him?
If a brother or sister has nothing to wear and has no food for the day,
and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, keep warm, and eat well,” but you do not give them the necessities of the body, what good is it?
So also faith of itself, if it does not have works, is dead.
Indeed someone might say, “You have faith and I have works.” Demonstrate your faith to me without works, and I will demonstrate my faith to you from my works.
You believe that God is one. You do well. Even the demons believe that and tremble.
Do you want proof, you ignoramus, that faith without works is useless?
Was not Abraham our father justified by works when he offered his son Isaac upon the altar?
You see that faith was active along with his works, and faith was completed by the works.
Thus the scripture was fulfilled that says, “Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness,” and he was called “the friend of God.”
See how a person is justified by works and not by faith alone.
And in the same way, was not Rahab the harlot also justified by works when she welcomed the messengers and sent them out by a different route?
For just as a body without a spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead. (James 2:14-26)
In today’s homily Father focused mainly on the idea of preparedness which we’ve already discussed here. The insight I gained was when my 7 yr. old leaned to me and said, “like when we had to prepare for Hurricane Rita, right Mom? If we hadn’t taken food & water on the road, we would have been very hungry and thristy.” That helped bring it into a familiar realm such as the idea of a Jewish wedding was familiar to the listeners of this Gospel at the time.
Another interesting comment I found in the Haydock Commentary of the Douay-Rheims was that, according to St. Gregory and St. Augustine, the lamps in this story may stand for “the light of faith,” while the oil stands for the “oil of good works.” By this, we can say that the foolish virgins, while they had faith (i.e., the lamps), they had no good works (“oil”) to make that faith of any use in getting into the Kingdom. Thus as St. James says:
Oh yeah, that’s excellent Fidelis. Thanks!
Eileen T:
I guess this excludes those of us who attend a traditional Latin Mass that follows the Old Missal. Nov 6 Gospel for us was about the wheat and the tares. :bible1:
I went to Mass, after reflecting on this parable, thinking how it applied to the Church in general, especially after the recent scandals. Then Father blindsided me by talking about virtue and vices in an individual. How if we start trying to weed out the bad stuff too soon, we may uproot the good as well.

He compared the traditional virtues to what are regarded as virtues in today’s world, referring to the Zenit review of the book just published by the London-based Social Affairs Unit,“Decadence: The Passing of Personal Virtue and Its Replacement by Political and Psychological Slogans.”

Father told us that we need to get into the habit of practising virtue in our everyday lives so they will grow strong in us. Sort of what Fr John Corapi said about training in the Army. "If you can’t even make it to the battle, how are you going to be able to fight when you get there.

The Epistle was Colossians 3: 12-17. St Paul told us that everything we do in word or work,we should do all in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ in giving thanks to God and the Father by Him.

This was a good reminder as I am looking for a job at present and will probably have to take something at half what I have been earning for the past few years. Stop thinking about my pride and take what I can get and do “for the greater glory of God.”
Glad to have found this thread and all the good biblical sites provided ( I do need to send in my donation to CA soon - thank you all :o )

One thing that has been gnawing at me about this parable - all those words about the foolish virgins asking the wise ones , their refusal, who the merchants could be ( esp. who are open at midnight !) , who the Bride is …all this , only because , many a times , after going through some birth pangs , I have often been given the joy of realising - Aha ! this is what it means - esp. in The New Testament , I feel The Lord “does not waste His words …”

But I am still expectant …that the fuller realisation would come …
Meanwhile , some musings - could The Bride be Mother Church ,ever awake …and we with her , who can offer up The Perfect Sacrifice of The Holy Mass …the wise virgins - may be those denominations , who still have valid sacraments …the foolish ones , who go to the merchants - all the others who think their oil and lamp is sufficient …their own preachings and teachings from their merchants - yes and they are open , even at midnight …when the world seem to sink into the midnight of darkness - like in days of Noah …and The Lord’s words - " you cast out demons, cured the sick…but I do not know you… depart from Me - you evil doers " - Are those frightening words meant for esp. those who seem to almost blaspheme The Eucharist and priesthood , by having their own communion etc: ; could it also mean the militant wing in The Church , who still claim to to be catholics but make a mockery out of The Church teachings …
And at the end , we just wish ,The Bride , pleading with the Groom
( who knew all along she would - that the maids may love her even more :o !) - that the foolish ones too be taken back …May it be so …Let us spread The Devotion to Divine Mercy !
=Eileen TI went to Mass, after reflecting on this parable, thinking how it applied to the Church in general, especially after the recent scandals. Then Father blindsided me by talking about virtue and vices in an individual. How if we start trying to weed out the bad stuff too soon, we may uproot the good as well.
Did Father mean we shouldn’t try to weed out the “bad” in ourselves because we would remove the “good” as well? That is hard for me to comprehend; I always thought we should be trying to work on developing our virtues while, at the same time, weeding out the bad.
But I am still expectant …that the fuller realisation would come …
Meanwhile , some musings - could The Bride be Mother Church ,ever awake …and we with her , who can offer up The Perfect Sacrifice of The Holy Mass …the wise virgins - may be those denominations , who still have valid sacraments …the foolish ones , who go to the merchants - all the others who think their oil and lamp is sufficient …their own preachings and teachings from their merchants - yes and they are open , even at midnight …when the world seem to sink into the midnight of darkness - like in days of Noah …and The Lord’s words - " you cast out demons, cured the sick…but I do not know you… depart from Me - you evil doers " - Are those frightening words meant for esp. those who seem to almost blaspheme The Eucharist and priesthood , by having their own communion etc: ; could it also mean the militant wing in The Church , who still claim to to be catholics but make a mockery out of The Church teachings …
And at the end , we just wish ,The Bride , pleading with the Groom
( who knew all along she would - that the maids may love her even more :o !) - that the foolish ones too be taken back …May it be so …Let us spread The Devotion to Divine Mercy !
This is an interesting thought Marymol. I always thought of this parable as referring to individuals being prepared, but I guess it can refer to groups as well - families, denominations, individual churches, diocese, countries, etc.
For help getting started, I recommend a visit to my Bible study on the Sunday liturgical readings found at the link below:
Wow! Nice site. So you will put up a new reflection each Wednesday before? Thank you. What a labor of love!

God Bless,
Wow! Nice site. So you will put up a new reflection each Wednesday before? Thank you. What a labor of love!

God Bless,
Thank you for the kind words. It is my great pleasure and honor to put it together and to share it. Please feel free to pass it on to whomever you feel may benefit from it.
Quaere Verum:
Did Father mean we shouldn’t try to weed out the “bad” in ourselves because we would remove the “good” as well? That is hard for me to comprehend; I always thought we should be trying to work on developing our virtues while, at the same time, weeding out the bad.
I think he meant we shouldn’t be over-zealous before the “good” had had time to grow stronger.

Now that I think about it, I think he was referring to the “bad” or “vices” we see in others rather than ourselves. That makes more sense. Like my children. Encourage the growth of virtue rather than concentrate too soon on eradicating the vices, lest they become discouraged.
Glad to have found this thread and all the good biblical sites provided ( I do need to send in my donation to CA soon - thank you all :o )

One thing that has been gnawing at me about this parable - all those words about the foolish virgins asking the wise ones , their refusal, who the merchants could be ( esp. who are open at midnight !) , who the Bride is …all this , only because , many a times , after going through some birth pangs , I have often been given the joy of realising - Aha ! this is what it means - esp. in The New Testament , I feel The Lord “does not waste His words …”

But I am still expectant …that the fuller realisation would come …
Meanwhile , some musings - could The Bride be Mother Church ,ever awake …and we with her , who can offer up The Perfect Sacrifice of The Holy Mass …the wise virgins - may be those denominations , who still have valid sacraments …the foolish ones , who go to the merchants - all the others who think their oil and lamp is sufficient …their own preachings and teachings from their merchants - yes and they are open , even at midnight …when the world seem to sink into the midnight of darkness - like in days of Noah …and The Lord’s words - " you cast out demons, cured the sick…but I do not know you… depart from Me - you evil doers " - Are those frightening words meant for esp. those who seem to almost blaspheme The Eucharist and priesthood , by having their own communion etc: ; could it also mean the militant wing in The Church , who still claim to to be catholics but make a mockery out of The Church teachings …
And at the end , we just wish ,The Bride , pleading with the Groom
( who knew all along she would - that the maids may love her even more :o !) - that the foolish ones too be taken back …May it be so …Let us spread The Devotion to Divine Mercy !
I think that’s a great insight. The Douay-Rheims Haydock commentary translates the verse “go to the merchants” without adding “and buy yourself some.” The implication is that “Go to those you trusted to flatter and entertain and distract you from what you should have been doing while waiting for the Bridegroom: building up the oil of charity of good works you will be expected to have when he finally arrives! Go to them, but they will not be able to help you, and it will be too late, for the door will be closed.”
Eileen T:
I think he meant we shouldn’t be over-zealous before the “good” had had time to grow stronger.

Now that I think about it, I think he was referring to the “bad” or “vices” we see in others rather than ourselves. That makes more sense. Like my children. Encourage the growth of virtue rather than concentrate too soon on eradicating the vices, lest they become discouraged.
Yes, yes Eileen this does make more sense. Thanks!
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