Supersticious emails

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I have a friend who sends tons of these - usually of the “if you really love Jesus, you’ll forward this to 10 people” variety. I thought about asking her to stop, but rather than risk hurting her feelings, I decided to just delete them without saying anything.
There used to be someone who constantly sent “if you love Jesus, you’ll forward this” mails - good old emotional blackmail.

The trouble was these mails were usually sickly, facile or contained Christian prayer requests/horror stories which a quick trawl of or snopes soon showed to be false.

I think all her friends (who I didn’t know) must have got fed up with me forwarding mails to them telling them not to forward the mails that contained false stories!
There used to be someone who constantly sent “if you love Jesus, you’ll forward this” mails - good old emotional blackmail.

The trouble was these mails were usually sickly, facile or contained Christian prayer requests/horror stories which a quick trawl of or snopes soon showed to be false.

I think all her friends (who I didn’t know) must have got fed up with me forwarding mails to them telling them not to forward the mails that contained false stories!
I love I remember late last fall (I’m a teacher, so you know we get a great deal of the emotional soppy stories), I recieved one of those emails - I think it was the one about the down syndrome kit (Stephen?) at the truck stop. I looked it up on Snopes, and sent it out to everybody on the list, with the site, and an explanation that it was fiction.
I also forward without the endings. A lot of the info is good or inspirational so most people will forward it anyway.

Another pet peeve (?spelling?) is when people send me emails and it takes opening 5 or more attachments before I get to the message. (The most I had once was over 20 attachments!!) Is it that hard to just forward the last attachment? Outlook Express handles this quite easily. Are there some email programs that do not?
Webtv is one I know of…that, and my parents aren’t too savvy with the technology these days…lol…my mom still thinks if she forwards a picture, she will lose it forever…
If it’s something nice, I’ll strip out all the garbage and send it back to them w/ an added comment that says something like “this is how you should send this stuff”.
Most of these I get are from my mom who I know isn’t superstitious, she just likes the sentiments.

She will also send me something she is not sure of because she can’t remember to do the research so I look it up for her and send her a link so she can read for herself the truth of whatever it is at the time.

Oh, and why do you need to open tons of attachments? Like someone else said, I don’t open attachments unless I know who they are from and I have a Mac which are not very “virus/worm” prone.

Brenda V.
Straight to the bit bucket. Do not pass GO. Do not collect $200.

DELETE DELETE DELETE and if it was sent to me by a good friend, I will sometimes send a reply asking to be removed from their forward list.

On a related topic, I just got an email from a friend today that was one of those "for every 5 people you forward this to, [insert company name here] will send you $ [insert dollar amount here]. I responded and asked her if [company name] had access to her email account in order to verify that she had sent the emails. I told her not to hold her breath waiting for the money because IT WILL NEVER COME!
Anytime is see:
Fwd.Fwd.Fwd. (the more Fwd’s the more they are deleted).
I don’t care WHO sends it, I don’t trust them because they could be full of viruses and other things.

As for the ‘superstious’ messages, I don’t believe in superstion. If you don’t either, then it shouldn’t be an issue…just delete them.
If it’s something nice, I’ll strip out all the garbage and send it back to them w/ an added comment that says something like “this is how you should send this stuff”.
I agree. I sometimes will return or pass on but add a note such as I choose to pray, not wish or God doesn’t make deals, etc. If it has a good message then I’ll deal with it that way. If not, it goes to the trash.
If it has good meat it in then i send it along but cut out the you must forward to such and such number of people.Most of my friends know which type of things to send to me. I think they started to learn when I would just hit reply all and just resend the foward back out to the same people again that just got sent the email…lots of annoyed people 😃
How has everyone handled friends who consistently innocently send
the type of emails that say something like “send this to x number of
people and you will be blessed” etc.
depends what kind of e-mail you get. I mean the Lord would probably bless you if you spread the Good News or pass info that might change a person’s heart ( although it is not necessary for the e-mail to say " Send this to this many ppl blah…) . If it’s trash then just delete it.
As for me, family members might sometime send me those things ( although they contain good messages about God’s Love for us) but I always have the odd friend who sends me something like "Pass this on and you will get the girl of your dreams etc "
That’s the Internet for you lol 🙂

I have a ton of aunts who cannot seem to write an actual message, but they forward between them literally a dozen or so “junk” messages per day to the whole family. I respect my “elders” enough not to send a snippy note in reply. However, I don’t forward them and I don’t even open anything with attachments unless it is clearly labelled as family photos. I know that my father who is new to computers and email eagerly opens everything like a kid getting mail for the first time, so I just let it alone. I’m happy that someone enjoys them.
Heres a sample of what I sent back to a dear friend regarding
an email with a prayer to St Theresa that said to send it
to 7 people etc.
Somehow, I get a queezy feeling about these kinds of
emails. Just like everyone says that God is not a jack-
in-the-box, meaning He doesn’t have to jump just because
we use a certain procedure. I don’t believe he sees the
humor in having to use a particular pattern to obtain
Perhaps the “occult” can get involved in this, especially
the emails that say do it this way or you will have bad
I think wishes can be interpreted as a secular “prayer”
So I don’t think there is any “majic” involved as some
of these type of emails would lead you to believe.
So after I have pressed fwd, I then press the delete
button to remove the supersticious parts.
( Thanks to all of you for your suggestions on this thread)
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