Supreme Court to tackle abortion protests

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Traditional Ang:

What’s her first name - I want to get some of us to start praying for her Repentence and Conversion.

She’s doing what she’s doing not just because you’re effecting her income, but because she’s “Under the conviction of the Holy Spirit”. I’ve never known anyone to respond as violently as you’ve described, esp. towards children, unless God was doing some heavy work on her.

Lisa, if she’s lashing out at children, then her conscience knows that she is killing children, and she’s doing everything she can to shut it up.

Lisa, when she gets violent, pray the prayer of St. Stephen the Proto-Martyr out loud, and make sure she can’t get near the children.

And, could you please tell us her name so we can pray for her conversion NOW?

Thank you.

Blessed are you for acting to save the lives of God’s Little Ones. Michael
Wow - good info, thanks for posting. Just a s(n)ide note…how about RICO for the abortionists? We all know they make cash money hand over fist and a lot of it isn’t even reported to the IRS. :mad:
Sounds good to me. There is more there than that too. Abortion clinics are, often, just part of what is a larger operation. Lots of dirty money. It explains some of the counter-protests at the clinic. Not all those pro-choice people who appear to be insane are.

Trouble with the IRS is they are National Treasury Empolyee Union. I can only guess but if more than 30% of them are pro-life, I would be surprised. Same on other issues. Way out of the mainstream. Of course I cannot say that is reflected in who they tend to look at but my gut tells me it is.
This is so frustrating…I don’t know anyone who would say that Martin Luther King Jr. was wrong to participate in sit-ins, yet so many people want to deny us the same right! If it was ok in the 60’s, why is it not ok now?:mad:
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