I guess that I’m in favor of the ruling … since it applies to everyone. But what about store ads at Christmas?
" The new case stemmed from the archdiocese’s effort in 2017 to place ads on buses and subway trains depicting the silhouette of three shepherds and sheep with the message “Find the Perfect Gift.” The ads directed viewers to Mass schedules while encouraging service projects and charitable giving…
The Christmas-themed ads bumped up against the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority’s policy of banning religious, political and issue-oriented messages, enacted after complaints about an anti-Islam ad. "
" The new case stemmed from the archdiocese’s effort in 2017 to place ads on buses and subway trains depicting the silhouette of three shepherds and sheep with the message “Find the Perfect Gift.” The ads directed viewers to Mass schedules while encouraging service projects and charitable giving…
The Christmas-themed ads bumped up against the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority’s policy of banning religious, political and issue-oriented messages, enacted after complaints about an anti-Islam ad. "
Supreme Court won't hear Catholic Church challenge to ban on religious advertising
The case would have been the latest example of religious freedom appeals to be heard by the conservative-leaning court.