My opinion admittedly.Why do you think that other forms of sexual perversion will not then be allowed?
I believe that the recent (at least in terms of awareness) of the popular bisexual behavioral admittion and acceptance in society today, is evidence towards the “choice” argument of many homosexuals (I’m not saying all).
My reasoning is that bisexuality flies in the face of the idea that some people are born heterosexual and some (popular opinion is 10%) of people are born homosexual. This implies there is a third (at least) catagory of people being born bisexual.
How about this theory? People are born with a strong desire towards a physical relationship by natural order of God’s plan. This physical realationship is directed towards the opposite sex, by design. When this desire is allowed to spiral out of the natural bounds of it’s design the direction takes on a new disordered meaning. The control portion of the desire breaks down.
I think a fair analogy might be gluttony with regard to food or alcohol. Very few people would truly desire eating thousands of calories of foods that lack nutritional value; very few people would chose to guzzle mouthwash because it was the only substance in the home that contained alcohol if they were to run out. Yet people do these things because they may have lost control of thier actions. They allowed the lack of moderation, of an ordered desire of things to take over thier actions. “More is better”.
With regard to sexual behavior this gluttony has become accepted. Bisexuality is the fifth piece of chocolate cake. In other words, a poor substitution for the intended pleasure that has been allowed to lose control. I believe this reasoning can also be attributed to many self professed homosexuals. It’s a step beyond. It’s a thrill, possibly made more exciting by it’s unnatural nature.
I want to emphasize, I attribute to this to some, not all. Some may truly be a genetic medical condition. But (again my opinion) I suspect, for example, many of the celebrities who “come out” are simply seeking acceptance for thier fifth piece of cake.
I believe many people who stongly consider themselves heterosexual, if didn’t make any attempt at moderation or proper utilization of this gift from God, might find themselves in activities they otherwise would never have believed they do. Followed by justifying it.