2/2 . . .
I was disappointed that there were credible allegations against bishop Zanchetta in 2015 and Zanchetta was still sent back to his diocese. (Even after knowing there were nude pictures of himself on the phone).
I think a more thorough investigation back in 2015 may have saved some pain.
I get that, that Zanchetta denied it (saying someone hacked his phone).
But if a man is going to do what is alleged against Zanchetta, I would not expect scruples about him lying either.
If he was set up that is serious too.
Either way, more steps should have occurred.
The Vatican should have gotten the Argentinian police involved immediately. (“Someone hacked his phone and is attempting to discredit him. Please police, look into this!”)
As far as I can tell none of that was ever done.
A bishop COULD have been sent to the diocese and with a reasonable investigation to check out Zanchetta too, and other things may have come to light.
As it is, now in 2019 that the story is public knowledge . . . it appears Zanchetta is at least on “leave of absence”.
(People are going to look at that and conclude it is not because of abuse but because of bad public relations that Zanchetta is on “leave of absence”.
Whatever “leave of absence” means (as far as I can tell, he may be going over to give “talks” to seminarians there in Rome now, hearing their confessions, etc.).
After the 2015 apparent non-investigation . . . . seminarians were attacked culminating in a 2017 “move” (again, not taken out of ministry EVEN NOW as far as we know).
And this is exactly the kind of thing we have been warned is STILL OCCURRING in places (warned by some of our own bishops)!
After the 2015 apparent non-investigation . . . . seminarians were attacked culminating in a 2017 “move” (again, not taken out of ministry EVEN NOW as far as we know).
And this is exactly the kind of thing we have been told has been going on.
- 2015 - Not much.
- 2017 - Move the alleged perpetrator around. (Where have we heard THAT before? [Think back in 2002.])
- 2019a - Pre Argentinian (and AP) news. Same as 2017.
- 2019b - Post Argentinian (and AP) news. “Leave of absence” (whatever THAT means?)
Now that this is coming out, it does not look good.