I am quite sure that the Tridentine Mass will be offered at the Basilica, which is about 4 blocks down the street. For years St. Stephen’s has been a joint parish with the Basilica. St. Stephen’s was started by the Slovak community in the 1950s, the church can hold about 50 people all together and is small. That is the reason for its closing. I have attended the Tridentine Mass there multiple times, my family grew up at the Basilica (which is the Polish Church). I am hoping that our Bishop has taken this into consideration of allowing the Indult to be celebrated at the Basilica, for the Indult is celebrated within every major city in the diocese: Oswego, Utica/Rome, and Binghamton. It will be unfortnate to make those who prefer the Pre-Vatican II rite drive to the next nearest Indult parish, I am sure he just has not thought of this at the time being. And I am quite sure that the reqular Tridentine Mass attendees will voice their concern. Note: the Tridentine Mass has not been tossed out of the diocese of Syracuse.And what does that have to do with being an indult parish. St. Josephat’s in Detroit offers both the 1962 Missal and the N.O. Mass.
When it offers the 1962 Missal, it does so under an indult. ( I suppose that since the NO Mass is in the vernacular, that, by definition, means it too is under an indult)
My diocese right now is having a serious priest shortage, it is estimated that by the year 2020 we will have approx. 30 active priests! We have just closed a long and stressful reconfiguration process. Parishes are closing right and left, as well as others becoming joint parishes and/or misson churches. We have only 7 seminarians right now! My priestfriend will be closing all the churches in his cluster and they are going to build a new large one to compensate for the 4 that are closing. This is a trend in other parts of the diocese too. St. Stephen’s was unfortunatley caught in the cross-fire.