tabernacle candle

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I was just wondering if the tabernacle candle has to be red. I thought it did, so that no matter what church you go into you know by the red candle that Christ is present in the tabernacle. But at my college, one of the two chapel coordinators isn’t Catholic, and he sometimes changes the tabernacle candle holder to this light pink one. I usually switch it back (I work in the chapel) when I get a chance, but I just wanted to be sure. Anyone know?

According to the new GIRM:
In accordance with traditional custom, near the tabernacle a special lamp, fueled by oil or wax, should be kept alight to indicate and honor the presence of Christ.
No mention of a necessary color, so unless someone has a more specific source, I’d say a pink one is probably fine. However, as most Catholics will recognize the lamp if it is red, it might be a good idea to keep it that way, so as not to cause any confusion.
If the lamp is electric and the power goes off does the presence of Christ leave?

Yes, I have been asked this question.
The parish that I attend uses red, white, and green candles at various times. It is not consistent, but generally during the summer (the green season) the candle is green, red during lent and advent, and white during the Christmas season.
I’ve never seen anything but red or white. Pink strikes me as a bit offensive.
The book The Ceremonies of the Roman Rite Described, dealing with the Extraordinary Form, has the footnote:

The glass of the lamp should be white but coloured glass is tolerated.

Obviously that doesn’t cover any legislation for the Ordinary Form.
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