Tabernacle Stolen in Peoria Heights, IL

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Story in the news. Someone stole the tabernacle from St. Thomas Catholic Church in Peoria Heights, IL.

Highlight from the article:
The tabernacle, about a foot square with a single door that locks, is used to hold consecrated communion bread wafers - what Catholics believe to be the body of Christ.
Full story is here.
We have to pray that satanists didn’t get the Eucharist to desecrate Our Lord. God Bless:crying:
the priest seems a little naive wondering why anyone would want to steal a tabernacle. I can only think of one thing - to desecrate our Lord. This is a very sad and troubling story.
From the way the story read it sounds like a inside job, I’m willing to bet if they track the keys they’ll find the tabernacle! They is something we can hope for out of this, it could be the source of a new eucharistic miricle.

Linda H.
This is truly a desecration. I sure hope it’s found and the culprit who stole it is prosecuted.
Satanists? You’re forgetting feminists and gay-rights and AIDS activists. They’ve directed their assaults on tabernacles in the past.

I hope it’s just theives. Theives would probably be interested in the monetary value of the tabernacle, not desecrating what’s inside. Whoever it is, well, I hope the Lord calls them out of their sins while they’re in His physical presence.
Satanists? You’re forgetting feminists and gay-rights and AIDS activists. They’ve directed their assaults on tabernacles in the past.
If they attack the tabernacle they are Satanists wither they are feminists, sodomites, or AIDS activists.
I agree with Linda H.–inside job. If it were Satanists after the Blessed Sacrament for some ritual desecration why would they take the whole thing? There’s a market in liturgical goods, especially old and beautiful ones. Interestingly, there was a trad priest in Wisconsin few years ago who was “liberating” vestments, sanctuary lamps, etc from novus ordo churches tht had this stuff in their basements and closets. He did some time, I’m pretty sure.

Chris C.
God is watching, and there might be Hell to pay for it.
This is a very disturbing story. I think that we must pray very hard for our world today. We are living in very troubled times. But as Padre Pio said “Pray Hope and don’t worry” (I hope I quoted him correctly)
In both cases (Peoria Heights and Danville), Satanists may have stolen the Blessed Sacrament for desecration in the Black Mass. :(.

Lord have mercy!
Christ have mercy!
Lord have mercy!

Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for these children of Satan.

(By the way, does anyone have some info on the Black Mass—it makes sense that such a thing was concocted, for of course Satan would like to mock the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass).
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