Tactics of the Enemy

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The enemy has no ethics in what he does. Dirty tricks are possible and should be watched for. Just because we find something unethical does not mean that the enemy will not use it. Be aware.
There are many things (obligations, responsibilities, opportunies to help others, our spiritual growth, objectives, etc) going on in our life, and the enemy tries to get us to prioritize petty things over major things.

The enemy knows that if our lives are out of balance, we can do a lots less for ourselves, our loved ones, and those around us. See “How do you keep your Life in Balance?” thread for a discussion on maintaining a balance in your life.

The enemy wants us to misprioritize what we working on, so that the major issues/obligations are neglected or underrepresented, so that, he can better succeed in those areas. We need to in each area of our life, look at the relative priorities of the items within that area. For instance, in supporting pro-life, ending abortion is much higher than opposing most uses of the death penalty and the time we spend (if it can be spent effectively on the item) should be allocated according to the priority of the item. We need to keep an awareness of the priorities in general and well as more specificly in each area and watch outselves for when we are boosting a petty issue to that of a major one.

We will run into situations where the people we are with try to focus all of our attentions on a petty matter. Sometimes this is fine; other times it is a deliberate attempt to keep us away from the major matters. Be open to the Holy Spirit and follow His guidance when this occurs.

Pettiness lowers our effectiveness and should be avoided.
It has been noted already that the Enemy will make one think that he does not even exist. But the very opposite is true also. He will make one think that he is the cause of everything negative…
Something sort of along this line of thinking…

Sometimes it seems like the devil will try to get people overly interested in him…being scared, or trying to find out a lot of information about him, etc.

This can, I believe, cause us to give him more attention than he deserves. It’s not good to give him so much attention that we are focusing on him more than (or as much as) God. That is exactly what the enemy wants us to do! Let’s not forget that God should be our main focus!
A few thoughts on this thread

The devil and demons would like you to either believe they do not exist or take an unhealthy interest in them (CS Lewis). They are happy with either.

CS Lewis also noted that the devil sends errors in pairs. E.G. in respect of sex, lust would be known to be wrong to most but rejecting sex entirely rejects god’s gift which has been given for procreative and unitave purposes to man and wife.

Nothing in itself is bad. I’m paraphrasing from the Philokalia here as I don’t have it to hand but one of the early fathers stated, it is not money which is bad, it is buying things you do not need at excessive cost, not wine but drunkenness, not woman but uncontrolled lust etc. The devil tries to twist what is good.

St Mark the Monk talks of three spiritual giants that uphold our spiritual advereries - forgetfullness (of God), laziness and ignorance.

The fathers also continually cite prayer as the best defence against evil, especially the Jesus Prayer (Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner) as ’ For the passions, being demons, retreat if the name is invoked’ Sts Barsanouphious & John.

Finally, a more Latin perspective, St Ignatiuses discernment of spirits

Rules of St. Ignatiusl. To sinners, devil proposes pleasures to hold them; the good spirit stirs conscience with remorse for sins.2. In souls that have sincerely returned to God,devil causes sadness, torment of conscience. Good spirit gives courage, energy, good thoughts.3. Spiritual consolations come from a good spirit: a) when they arouse fervor; 2) when they cause tears that are a true expression of interior sorrow and love; 3) when they increase faith, hope, love, and bring quiet and peace. 4. As to spiritual desolation or inclination of soul to lower things, when these come we must notmake any change as to good resolutions previously formed – value of a private rule; We should take advantage of them to grow in fervor, and rely on divine help, even though it is not felt. We must be patient. We should realize that desolation may be punishment forlukewarmness. 5. In time of consolation gather strength for time of desolation. 6. Devil is weak in the face of resistance, but fiery and cruel to those who yield. He tries to keep the victim from disclosing things to the spiritual director. He attacks the person at his weakest point: so check on that in examination of conscience. Some food for thought!
Thank you T A Stobie for your contributions on this and other threads. You are a blessing to us. Perhaps the sublest tactics of the Enemy are directed against us “good people” of course anyone on these forums qualifies. Persuading us that it is our own efforts and goodness that availeth much, persuading us that however sinful we may acknowledge ourselves to be, the other guy is so much worse. Persuading us that intellectual assent to orthodox belief equals living and acting with the mind of Christ. Persuading us that orthodoxy is required only on issues with which were are in agreement with Rome.
Flak is the anti-aircraft shells shot in the air to shoot down and distract pilots flying missions.

Likewise the enemy uses Flak to keep us from being as effective as we could, from communicating about God and his commands, from helping others in need.

Flak can take many forms.
  • music that leads our mind away from God.
  • media that emphasis the evil in the world and paints some of it good.
  • posts on discussion forums where serious topics are invaded by these posts that do not add at all to the discussion, hijack it in a totally off the original topic, or disrupt good open discussion.
  • spam emails that clutter our email boxes so that we occasionally lose good messages.
  • neutral messages put out by leaders who are afraid to speak out.
  • … (and many more)
It is important to try to recognize Flak as Flak and not let it turn us away from our missions as called to by God.
The enemy likes to target our weaknesses.

This is a fairly obvious one when it comes to our spiritual weaknesses, but he will also use our physical ones to keep us down.

Sometimes the enemy will use those around us to lead us into a deep depression causing us to feel worse and draining our energies. For those with physical handicaps, this has the effect of making them more pronounced and less ignorable, particularly when pain is involved. This makes it much harder to do anything.

Turning to God in prayer will help. Working with the people who the enemy uses (usually without the knowledge) can help as well. We need to remember to offer up this suffering to God, so that he can use our suffering for the good of others, sometimes in lieu of others thing that we could have done (if not wounded in such a fashion).
If you have a bad habit, the enemy likes to encourage us to practice it and often not even recognize it is bad.

For instance, how often are we discourteous to others and not even recognize it. Look at my Discussion on Modern Courtesy and you may be surprised. Rudeness, particularly by Christians, can lead people away from Christ.

If you have a bit habit, work with God on countering with active steps and prayer.
I hope that it is not me who repeats things said during bad events of the past over and over again in my mind. I also hope it is not me who wishes to die before it is my time.
I hope that it is not me who repeats things said during bad events of the past over and over again in my mind. I also hope it is not me who wishes to die before it is my time.
Probably not, but it may be a sign that you need to truly forgive yourself and let it go.
The enemy likes us to be in a comfort rut, a place where we feel comfortable, but are not growing. Fear of the unknown, fear of change, fear of confrontation all are used to keep us in the comfort rut. It also keeps us from reaching out and helping those outside of our comfort zones.

As Christians, we all are called to continually grow in the Lord and if we are not growing, such as in a comfort rut, we have a problem and would should recognize it and take steps to start growing in the Lord again.

So if you are in the comfort zone in your spirituality, you are probably missing something.

I have recently realised, with the help of a wonderful priest and my Sp.Dir. that I have been involved in some pretty intense spiritual warfare for a while now. Some of this is personal in nature, and some seems to be on behalf of the parish I attend.

What do you do? I receive the Sacraments frequently, although perhaps need to confess a little more often. I have a fairly strong prayer life. I do quite a bit of spiritual reading, too.

I also have a young family, and do volunteer work at the parish.

I experience physical pain which seems to have no medical cause and does correlate to events in my home and parish life.

Is endurance the key? Offer it up? St. Michael hears from me often, and I do increase other prayer when the going is particularly tough.

A dumb question…does taking a painkiller diminish the spiritual effect?

I’m not really afraid of what may come, although I certainly do not relish pain.

I do wonder though, if I can handle these things well, what will the enemy try next? I’m already amazed at the creative ways Satan uses to tempt/try/distract me.

I am really enjoying this thread. There is a lot to learn.

I have recently realised, with the help of a wonderful priest and my Sp.Dir. that I have been involved in some pretty intense spiritual warfare for a while now. Some of this is personal in nature, and some seems to be on behalf of the parish I attend.

What do you do? I receive the Sacraments frequently, although perhaps need to confess a little more often. I have a fairly strong prayer life. I do quite a bit of spiritual reading, too.

I also have a young family, and do volunteer work at the parish.

I experience physical pain which seems to have no medical cause and does correlate to events in my home and parish life.

Is endurance the key? Offer it up? St. Michael hears from me often, and I do increase other prayer when the going is particularly tough.

A dumb question…does taking a painkiller diminish the spiritual effect?

I’m not really afraid of what may come, although I certainly do not relish pain.

I do wonder though, if I can handle these things well, what will the enemy try next? I’m already amazed at the creative ways Satan uses to tempt/try/distract me.

I am really enjoying this thread. There is a lot to learn.
I believe the enemy will keep on trying to wear you down. BUT you have identified the source of the warfare as the devil and his minions. You have already won part of the battle in just knowing that!

Stay strong and keep on “keeping on”. I too, have noticed that in my weakest moments, the enemy really pours it on strong. These are the times when I need to praise God and pull out all my prayers, attend daily mass and say an extra rosary. I will even walk around proclaiming out loud “I love you Jesus!”

If the devil can wear you down with success, then he will. Otherwise he will leave you alone for another time.
While it is true that evil has lost the war, it still wins many many battles. Somebody said it best earlier, leave challenging demons to the angels.

But I’ll tell you want, while it isn’t my most obvious contact with evil, I’ve been sitting here reading this thread instead of saying my prayers. This has been an absolutely horrid week for me spiritually. I, for one, don’t want to incite any encounters with demons. My own sinful flesh gives me enough problems.
While it is true that evil has lost the war, it still wins many many battles. Somebody said it best earlier, leave challenging demons to the angels.

But I’ll tell you want, while it isn’t my most obvious contact with evil, I’ve been sitting here reading this thread instead of saying my prayers. This has been an absolutely horrid week for me spiritually. I, for one, don’t want to incite any encounters with demons. My own sinful flesh gives me enough problems.
Don’t get down on yourself that you were wasting your time. I think the enemy has put that thought into your head to make it appear as if these threads are a waste of time.

I have found so much peace and support in many of these threads. This is the best place for shared ideas and the perfect place to shout to the world how much I LOVE GOD!!!. Where else can you get so much support.

And right now, you need a great big -pick me up from the attacks of the devil. So God has sent you here to be spiritually nurtured by the rest of us as we pray for you and do spiritual warfare together.

You have not wasted your time at all! In fact, I think you have received blessings.
False compassion.

I believe compassion means to “suffer with”, yet many times our form of compassion is to deny unavoidable suffering, perhaps so we don’t have to suffer with our loved ones. For instance, a friend’s conscience is bothering them about something and we say “don’t worry, it’s ok”. Our desire to not see our loved ones suffer and to be supportive can cause us to deny the truth and to choose the easier and less risky route of supporting our friends in a bad choice. This isn’t the kind of support a true friend gives.

We sometimes value the illusion of friendship more than a more difficult true friendship. We deny our loved ones the greater good that may have come to them through their suffering and the greater good to ourselves from our true compassion.
The enemy’s tactics include using wordsmithing to hide the truth.

This tactic involved using convoluted words to mislead people into misunderstand your views and lead them away from the truth.

I have encountered this on this board, so if you see someone using convoluted words to obscure what he believes, he may be doing this intentionally to hide his true intentions or beliefs.

Try to be clear in what words you use so that your reader understands what you mean.
I heard Fr. Corapi talking about this tactic recently.

The enemy knows that fallen human nature is subject to falling into addictive behavior, where humans actually lose some of their ability to freely choose to continue or stop the behavior.

Addictions take many forms, from alcohol and drugs, to sexual (numerous types), gambling, pleasure-seeking, etc.

To combat addictive behavior, Fr. Corapi recommends persistant prayer and renewed-often commitment to overcoming the addiction. Other people can be very helpful in this battle.
Hey T.A,

Been awhile since I’ve seen this thread. An oldie, but a goodie.

I think another tactic is to remove religious symbols from our culture – crosses, creches, 10 commandments, statues of the Virgin Mary or saints, homeowners associations banning religious displays, schools banning Christmas music and calling the holiday “Winter Holiday” when the vast majority celebrate Christmas, etc. Wiping out religious symbols from our culture helps the enemy to drive religious expression to the smallest corner of our private lives as possible and makes us feel like a minority when in fact we are not. What must tickle the enemy even more is that self-described Catholics and Christians are sometimes accomplices.
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