Taiwanese, Chinese Staffers Injured After Clash in Fiji

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It sounds like real fisticuffs happened, one man from Taiwan sent to hospital.

Taiwanese, Chinese Staffers Injured After Clash in Fiji​

China and Taiwan are trading accusations over a fight between Chinese diplomats and Taiwan government employees at a reception in Fiji celebrating Taiwan’s National Day.​

By Associated Press, Wire Service Content Oct. 19, 2020,

BY HUIZHONG WU, Associated Press

TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) — China and Taiwan traded accusations Monday over a violent altercation that broke out between Chinese diplomats and Taiwan government employees at a recent Taiwan National Day reception in Fiji.

Both China and Taiwan confirmed the Oct. 8 incident but each disputed the other’s claim of what precipitated the fight, which resulted in one Taiwanese staffer being sent to a hospital with a head injury. One of the Chinese diplomats also was injured.

The confrontation, an extreme example of the tensions between the rival governments, erupted when Taiwanese at the gathering tried to stop Chinese diplomats from taking photos of guests at the reception marking Taiwan’s national day, a Taiwan foreign ministry spokeswoman, Joanne Ou, said in a written statement.
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