Talking to Kids about Abortion

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I can imagine most women who do this beat themselves up for it for the rest of their lives. Those who shrug it off as nothing and move on are peobably people of low morals or little education in the matter. It’s hard to even wrap your mind around some women who actually use abortion as a form of birth control - sick and infuriating for sure. But I can’t freely bring myself to judge even people like that because I don’t believe Jesus wants us to judge others, at least not when it comes to who goes where after death.
However, I think we can agree: Killing unborn children, no matter the reason, certainly wont help you get to heaven.
Neither will a lack of empathy.

Women who decide to have an abortion are victims. Some are victims of their circumstances, be it economic, social, personal, etc. They may feel their safety is at risk by revealing their pregnancy. They may feel they are jeopardizing their personal or economic well-being. They may feel they will jeopardize their relationship with a loved one, be it a spouse or a parent. They may feel they will be judged or lose opportunities, or that they will suffer negative consequences.

All are victims of the culture of death which pervades society today. All are victims of a societal view which tells women that abortion is better choice, or that they shouldn’t have to “endure” an adoption. They are victims of a lack of supports for women who are struggling to see how the could go through the adoption process, or how they could raise their child as a single parent, or how they could afford the expenses of a pregnancy and infant.

These women are victims of a world looking for a quick fix, just as much as their children are. And then they are victimized again when they grieve and mourn and are told they have no reason to be sad and should be celebrating their abortions.

The act is wrong. The culture that has allowed it to become normalized is wrong. The women who are caught up in it - and all the people who are whitewashed by the modern spin put forward - they are victims.
I would rather explain what it means to be a Pro-life Catholic.
That no one ever has the right to take the life of a person, a child, or a baby.
Kids get it. Much more than adults do. It’s a simple matter to them. It’s the adults that put all the “situational theology” into it. If they go to a Catholic High school, those abortion videos are part of the curriculum, and they have seen similar in Hollywood movies an crime documentaries and will not be traumatized. It will just solidify their natural belief in life
I haven’t addressed the topic of abortion, because it’s too disturbing and age-inappropriate for us yet. However, I’ve made a point to discuss the beauty of life from its first moments, and we regularly talk about unborn children as “boys and girls”.
The evil spirit of Pharaoh and King Herod.

There are many posters at church with crying women and men; they are crying because they lost their babies.

My children have been sympathetic to these crying pictures since they could talk. I explain to them that the lady/couple lost their baby. If they ask more questions I tell them the story of Moses and how Pharaoh had babies killed because he was AFRAID of babies because he didn’t want to loose his power as Pharaoh. I also tell them the same evil plagued King Herod. King Herod tried to have Jesus killed because he was AFRAID of babies because they would take his power away.

Recently (ages of 6 & 5) my children noticed me praying the St Michael prayer every time we passes a Planned Parenthood. I had to explain to them that the same evil that’s AFRAID of babies has a place there and that I was praying for strength against the evil spirit who seeks to ruin souls making them AFRAID of babies.
Yes, little “Why” askers are very curious about steeling and other crimes. I often share a bible story on how someone biffed it. Why it’s bad … how they could do better. It’s exhausting explaining “Why”sometimes!!!
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