Talking with my Lutheran family

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Hmm; that’s an idea. I like it. Exposes them to a Mass; while not overdoing church on a Sunday.
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My children were Baptized as infants, however, I think few would argue that when they become seven, I should let them decide whether or not they want to go to Mass.
Personally, I think it is beyond nuts to say that a seven year old has reached “the age of reason.” But, that’s what the Church teaches.
Well, to be fair, even many adults that ought to be past the “age of reason” are still quite unreasonable. I think the Church is saying that by the age of seven a child should be capable of understanding the difference between right and wrong and be personally responsible for discerning the difference. They aren’t saying that they will always choose accurately or responsibly or that they don’t need more learning on the subject. They are just saying that they have the capacity to learn at that point.
I emphatically disagree with that notion.

They’re not old enough to make decisions about religion.
The Church, however, disagrees with you. There was a lengthy thread on this, and priests weighed in. The children are above the age of reason. They are Lutheran. The decision to convert is theirs.
My children are eight. I am taking the Father’s advice that they are above the age of reason and thus I cannot decide for them that they are Catholic. However, I am trying to catechize them by my example and by teaching; hoping that by immersing them in the Faith, that they will choose to become Catholic.
acceding to their heresies.
They’re Lutheran. Damage done.
I feel I have to be rather ecumenical about faith; even though Lutheranism is a heresy.
Honestly, I hope you don’t talk about Lutheranism in this way in front of your Lutheran family (including your children). That may help explain why they “rage and cry” at you. Sounds like it may be a two way street.

I couldn’t imagine my Catholic family thinking (or saying) things like this about me or my faith.
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Well, I don’t put it in terms like that with them. I’m diplomatic about it by saying that I don’t agree with Lutheranism. I don’t attack; even when my faith is attacked. I just simply disagree and practice my faith.
Well, I don’t put it in terms like that with them. I’m diplomatic about it by saying that I don’t agree with Lutheranism.
That’s good to hear. I find it a bit strange to speak of non-Catholics in that way here as well, but I’m glad you don’t speak directly to them like that as well.
Thank you. It hurt me when my mother described my Catholic faith as “ that $&@/ religion. “ I don’t want to do that to anyone else. Sometimes, I get really angry at Martin Luther for what did to the Church.
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Pretty much my sons have many friends at their church and if I yanked them out, it would be a huge and problematic adjustment for them and me.
Remember, they can still be friends if your kids enroll in Religious Ed at your parish. Invite the kids over to play, meet them at the park for picnics, they will also make new friends. I would think it is not a good idea to do a complete “we are not going to the Lutheran church anymore” while they are dealing with losing mom, and are now going to have to move away from their grandparents home.

Start with Catholic VBS this summer!
I’m diplomatic about it by saying that I don’t agree with Lutheranism.
You might focus more on what we have in common with Lutherans, such as love for Christ, the 10 commandments, the Golden Rule, and so on. We have much more in common with them than with non-Christians.
I remember my pastor saying, when I was a young girl, that not everyone reaches the age of reason at 7 years old. It is a good guess, and I suppose it depends on the intelligence and maturity of the child.
The Lutheran Church isn’t the end of the world. Be happy they are going to a Christian church and they enjoy it.

Walk carefully with this. You don’t want your kids associating mom’s death with crazy mixed up family religious stuff. One may have nothing to do with the other, but if that is the way they remember it they may walk away from all religion as adults.
Pray for them through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary whether they know it or not. I grew up without a mom and believe the Blessed Mother actually helped me the whole time (without me recognizing it at the time as a young child) likely from hidden prayers from those who watched over me especially my father who often suffered silently. I will pray for you and your children.

Holy Mother Mary,
Who by virtue of your divine motherhood,
Hast become mother of us all
I place the charge which God has given me,
under your loving protection.
Be a Protecting Mother to my children.
Guard their bodies and keep them
in health and strength.
Guard their minds and keep their thoughts ever holy
in the sight of their Creator and God.
Guard their hearts and keep them pure and strong
and happy in the love of God.
Guard always their souls and ever preserve in them,
faithfully, the glorious image of God
whom they received in Holy Baptism.
Always Mother, protect them and keep them
under your Mothering care.
Supply in your all-wise motherhood,
for my poor human deficiencies
and protect them from all evil.

Queen of the Most Holy Family,
Pray for us.
It seems like your children have a lot on their plates now.

Their mother just died.
You’re talking about moving to another home on your own.
That may mean a new school.
Will that also mean that child care arrangements will change?
You mentioned in another thread that you’re engaged to be married.
And now you want them to leave a familiar church where they have friends for something unknown.

Are they getting any counseling or professional support? If so, have you talked with the counselor to see how you can make things easier on them?

Perhaps it would make sense to decide your priorities then take things in order. The first thing may to be to give them as much stability as possible for a year, then decide what’s next. Do the next thing and give it some time to settle before making another change.
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