What does a Jesuit sun look like, may I ask?
i agree. And further, I think that it is wrong to get a tattoo because in addition to the Catholic teaching, it is condemned by the Bible also. Leviticus 19: 28.Tattoos would fall under the Catholic teaching of not mutilating one’s body because it is a temple of the Holy Spirit.
Ordinary piercings will heal back up very quickly, if the jewelry is taken out of them for a period of time, and the body is allowed to fill the piercing normally. So it’s not a permanent alteration to the body.How about piercings? They mutilate the body to, but yet I never see these discussions about earrings.
The most common argument is that Levitical prohibitions ended with the New Covenant.Margaret_Ann:
i agree. And further, I think that it is wrong to get a tattoo because in addition to the Catholic teaching, it is condemned by the Bible also. Leviticus 19: 28.Tattoos would fall under the Catholic teaching of not mutilating one’s body because it is a temple of the Holy Spirit.
On tattoos I tend to agree. But I try not to judge as there may be a back story I do not know.I cant speak for others. Myself I see them as trashy at worst, immature at best. If you see graffiti on a street corner, you may regard it as a work of art or as an act of vandalism. I see it as the latter and much more so with regard to our bodies, which I see as being profaned by such expressions. Content of the depiction notwithstanding.
And there is the argument that the ten Commandments ended with the New Covenant. At least we see widespread disagreement on the prohibition against adultery and against taking the Name of Our Lord in vain and against coveting your neighbor’s wife and against murder of the unborn.The most common argument is that Levitical prohibitions ended with the New Covenant.
I didn’t know that. But even with this being true, a simple piercing is such an insignificant “mutilation” as to be hardly worth commenting upon. Again, what the Church does not condemn, I do not condemn. I wouldn’t choose to die on the hill of bodily piercings.When you have had your ears pierced for a while, they won’t heal again even if you don’t use earrings. I regularly go a couple of weeks without wearing any and my ears have never been close to heal up.
I have as well. Even the unattractive graffiti posesss an inherent artistic quality. What makes it “trashy” to me is the vandalism with which it is expressed, when it is done on property that is not ones own. That undermines whatever artist merit may be recognized.I agree that it is trashy, but I have seen some insanely remarkable, witty, inspiring, sometimes even beautiful graffiti, here and there.
I think some older translations do not have the word tattoo in them though.(Levticus 19 28) You shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor tattoo any marks on you
Not necessarily . There are sometimes locations where the owners of a wall will specifically tolerate graffiti and thus don’t consider it vandalism . Sometimes officially and sometimes inofficially .I have as well. Even the unattractive graffiti posesss an inherent artistic quality. What makes it “trashy” to me is the vandalism with which it is expressed, when it is done on property that is not ones own. That undermines whatever artist merit may be recognized.