raphaela said:Bettyg, I was a little disturbed that you have this device on your daughter’s computer. I know that you are only looking out for your daughter’s best interests but, do you eavedrop on her conversations on the phone and follow her where ever she goes? Do you read her diary too? How is your daughter going to listen to you and be respectful towards you when you are invading her privacy? Privacy is very important to a 16 year old girl. At this point in their life, privacy is all they have. Personally, though i am not a parent, i’m 20, i think you should stop doing that. My mother did that to me all the time, among other thigns and i don’t talk to her anymore, she doesn’t tlak to me. It put such strain on our relationship. I doubt that is what you want, but that might be what you get. What your daughter is going through is merely a phase. You shouldn’t condone it, but realize that this is what her friends do, she just doesn’t want to be left out or left behind. I know you will probably freak at me for this but that is my opinion.
I have to disagree **with ****raphaela… I have had something like this done to me, my mom use to snoop in my room and on the computer, and listen to phone conversations. I know that teenagers don’t like it, but coming from someone who has had this done, I know that it was for the better… and I am a better person now because of it.:tiphat: **
**raphaelaI don’t know if she needs a therapist but I agree with most. Children need to make mistakes and learn rather then rebel and not learn. If getting drunk is her things and sneaking out she’ll drink too much one night make herself sick and won’t do it anymore, that’s what happened to me.
****I used to have the same thoughts too… let them make mistakes. But thats not true! I have made a big mistake that changed my life, adn I can’t change it back now! So if a parent can do something about a child’s behavior and stop the actions, than fine, any means necessary!!! ****
**Who knows what else she could have gotten into while out with friends… it might not have only been drinking… You said she is going to be a senior?? I remember my senior year… I remember my Junior year too and I remember what all I did… I am not proud of myself.:banghead: **
**LadyBug: PRAY!!! PRAY!!! PRAY!!! Pray to our Blessed Mother for help, her being a Mother too, she can help you! I will pray for your daughter as well… **
And by all means, if you think that punishing (grounding) her will help keep away from friends that do whatever you feel that needs to be done. (I was only allowed to go out once a week, at one point b/c my parents didn’t like the guy I was seeing and tried to stop me from seeing him…)
She is going to rebel… but stick with it, she will come around and appreciate what you have done for her, I know I have with my mom and dad. Everything you do will be b/c you love her and you want the best for her… also if you have any other children it is a good reminder that your incharge… remember she is an influence to the younger siblings, as well as the younger children around her (family members, friend siblings, people from church).
God Bless You and your family!