My parents made me and my sister attend mass when we were teens. my parents always went to the Saturday vigil but once we had jobs, we couldn’t. My sister was 5 years older than me so she did the driving. Often times she wouldn’t drive us to mass. We would even go at the last minute, grab a bulletin for proof and then leave. Many times I wanted to go but she didn’t so we didn’t. I was a lazy Catholic once I got out on my own but all those years of taking me to mass and sending me to Catholic school paid off. When life got tough, and it always does, I knew where to turn. My sister left the church for many years but by the grace of God has been led home. We are both remorseful of our wasted years that we didn’t understand. I would greatly encourage you to have your teens read apologetics info. I was very poorly catechized (yes even in 12 years of Catholic school) and I think that led to a lot of my problems. It is hard to walk away from the Eucharist when you truly understand what it is.
Just remember even if they fight you tooth and nail, even if they loose their way for a while, they will always find their way back home.
Just remember even if they fight you tooth and nail, even if they loose their way for a while, they will always find their way back home.