Televangelist Jack Van Impe has died

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January 18, 2020: Jack Van Impe, aged 88.

He was a major proponent of the Rapture, although it wasn’t his only focus.

Here’s a lovely letter written at the time to the followers of Harold Camping (a Rapture date-setter) and all who waited for a Rapture : For all awaiting the last day.

Part of what made Rapture teaching uncomfortable was the self-satisfaction. But we wait for our REAL deliverance, our hope, and our home. We should be looking forward to seeing Jesus Who loves us, not snickering about “we were right.” I seen to recall that the Van Impes were enthusiastic for the Rapture, but they weren’t the kind who would snicker over those who missed it.

They also believe that our pets go to Heaven.

Rexella signing off till the next week’s program: "Until then, always remember God cares for you and so do we, so very much."

Condolences to Rexella and the family.
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Very sorry to know this. He was about as “Catholic-friendly” as you could expect a Christian televangelist to be.

However, there is one very unfortunate thing. From this account, he was a fallen-away Catholic. That would be very, very bad.

Requiescat in pace.
My husband watched many Jack Van Impe shows on weekends, whenever I worked.

Mr. Van Impe was a huge “fan” of Saint Pope John Paul II–he often spoke positively and with love and admiration about the Pope.

In fact, unlike many of the televangelists who are very critical of Catholicism, Van Impe had no bad words (at least that we heard in recent years) about Catholics or the Catholic Church. He was always respectful and positive.


Dude sure knew his bible verses.
Prayers for the repose of his soul.
He and Rexella had/have a lot of zeal for Jesus. I loved watching his program even though I felt he was sort of a sensationalist.

Lord Jesus, we pray for Rexella and the family and for Jack’s eternal soul; welcome him into the light of your face.
I watched his program for years and was amazed at his memory for scripture. They even had a magazine at one time that we subscribed to. He was a gentleman and always had positive things to say about all other faiths.
Jack Van Impe was never my cup of tea, but he always seemed genuine in his zeal for the Lord; and I loved that.
I liked Jack immensely and even if one did not go along with his interpretation, it was still fascinating and entertaining to watch what he would say. I’m further under the impression that he respected Pope (St.) John Paul II and when I watched him, he was respectful of the Catholic faith.

If one looks in depth at what he said, I’m sure one can find fault but overall, I have the deepest respect for Mr. Van Impe and I hope he’s in heaven right now.
May the soul of Jack van Impe rest in peace, and may his widow be consoled.

Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy Name. May thy Kingdom come. May thy will be done on earth, as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil .

Hail Mary, full of grace. The Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death.
This makes me sad. I remember as a kid their program used to air on TBN, and I would sometimes watch it with my dad. It was always interesting how they tied in the news of the day with their own interpretation of Bible prophecy. Though I haven’t watched the Van Impes in years and no longer subscribe to belief in a rapture, it feels like I lost a part of my childhood.
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Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul, and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. In Your mercy grant the consolation of Your Most Holy Spirit to his loved ones in this, their time of sorrow.

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