Tell me that I'm not alone

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Tell me that I’m not alone in this, please. Thanks. Share with me your story if you could.

It seems that the real reason I want to ‘fight the good fight’ is to be the hero and get the glory and I know the Bible and I know that what I want is wrong. Instead it seems that I always get the fight that is silly, petty, murky - not much fanfare in it at all. I know its good medicine for me but sometimes I feel alone in this - like am I the only one? Maybe I need to dig deeper and find a bigger challenge? and find my big red, long tail and spikey tailed foe somewhere else?

But maybe I bring it own myself. Here is another take at this. Some say never put a pro-life bumper sticker on your car because others will be mad at you and you will not know why and if you don’t put the bumper sticker on then others might be more open to you and get to know the Lord through you in an indirect way.

It seems that some of my recent troubles have come from externals in my life. Like at work I announced that I was pro-life when discussing abortion with another co-worker and then things got more troublesome for me between my coworker and me but of course it was very artful and well disquised and silly and petty.

Recently I wore some catholic medicals around my neck and a client at work stared at me like as if he really didn’t like me. Perhaps it was for another reason. It was my first day on the job though! I didn’t say anything.

It just makes me wonder. My mouth and my zeal for wearing medals gets me in trouble - stupid trouble - not real trouble. I’m not boiled in oil thank God or chewed up by lions. Just things are more sticky. Maybe I should just not mention that I’m pro-life and wear my medals inside my shirt. It seems that if I conform more then maybe people will give me more credit but once they see my true colors then maybe not. So I just cut to the chase up front and well you know the rest. I don’t know. Any thoughts? Thanks.
You are not alone. My wife and I are very vocal about our Catholic stance regarding prolife issues and many other areas of social justice and sacraments in general. We voice our opinions to our political representatives as well, including the precinct captains as they canvass for votes. You would be surprised how many of the people who come to our doors with petitions expect us to blindly sign their lists for candidates whose platforms they are not even aware of.
Keep going! If God is for us, who can be against us.
He has no hands on earth but ours now. Keep your chin up.
I encourage you to continue to stand up for your faith. As far as signs and medals, etc. I would not hesitate to wear them, just never cross the line to where someone might think you are pushing them. I wore a small cross on my shirt lapel sometimes - I thought that was about right. It was enough so people could see I am Christian but no so much that I was turning a work environment into a forum for religious pressure. If you really want to show your Christianity at work, do as St. Paul says and work as if you were working for God. Amazing concept isn’t it. Then when your employer sees your loyalty and excellent work, he may see Christianity better. Let Jesus work through you at work in your actual work.

Bless you for standing firm.

Peace be with you!

Signs and medals do not show that we are Christians…

A real Christian can be known as such without any sign.

When the Disciples were arrested by the Jewish leaders, the Bible says:

“Now as they observed the confidence of Peter and John and understood that they were uneducated and untrained men, they were amazed, and began to recognize them as having been with Jesus.” ( Acts 4:13 )

John and Peter didn’t put any sign or medal. They just witnessed to the Lord with faith and confidence, although they were uneducated and untrained.

Real born again Christians have the seal of the Spirit.

As for trying to show: let us know this clearly, that good works are the FRUIT of Salvation.

So if you are saved, you will surely bring fruits by the Spirit. And people will see the good fruits of the Spirit, and if they listen to the Spirit, then they will glorify the Father in Jesus.

In Love,
Peace be with you!

Signs and medals do not show that we are Christians…

A real Christian can be known as such without any sign.

When the Disciples were arrested by the Jewish leaders, the Bible says:

“Now as they observed the confidence of Peter and John and understood that they were uneducated and untrained men, they were amazed, and began to recognize them as having been with Jesus.” ( Acts 4:13 )

John and Peter didn’t put any sign or medal. They just witnessed to the Lord with faith and confidence, although they were uneducated and untrained.

Real born again Christians have the seal of the Spirit.

As for trying to show: let us know this clearly, that good works are the FRUIT of Salvation.

So if you are saved, you will surely bring fruits by the Spirit. And people will see the good fruits of the Spirit, and if they listen to the Spirit, then they will glorify the Father in Jesus.

In Love,
You are missing the point.

He isn’t saying that you have to wear a medal to be Christian.

He wears one to show that he is though. Sometimes it is tough to tell what someones stance is on something . If you wear a religios medal people can usually tell you are a Christian.
You are NOT alone. My family (Myself, my wife and our children) are Catholic-Christain Evangalists.
But also remember, St. Francis is quoted
as saying, “Always preach Christ; use words when necessary.”

We are with you brother.
You are not alone, recently, I told someone who I had considered a very good and close friend that I was converting to Catholicism, she told me I was silly, and that some of the things that I was doing were stupid and worthless. I told her that I didn’t expect her to understand my decision, but that I expected her to respect it, and she has not spoken to me, or e-mailed me since then. Its hard to lose a friend like that, but I am a stronger person for it. I also know now, that God will guide me through it.

For some reason, it seems that now the world wants us to hide our faith, it is being labeled as unacceptable, or inappropriate. I think that is sad. Express yourself in a way you feel comfortable.

Peace be with you!

Signs and medals do not show that we are Christians…

A real Christian can be known as such without any sign.

When the Disciples were arrested by the Jewish leaders, the Bible says:

“Now as they observed the confidence of Peter and John and understood that they were uneducated and untrained men, they were amazed, and began to recognize them as having been with Jesus.” ( Acts 4:13 )

John and Peter didn’t put any sign or medal. They just witnessed to the Lord with faith and confidence, although they were uneducated and untrained.

Real born again Christians have the seal of the Spirit.

As for trying to show: let us know this clearly, that good works are the FRUIT of Salvation.

So if you are saved, you will surely bring fruits by the Spirit. And people will see the good fruits of the Spirit, and if they listen to the Spirit, then they will glorify the Father in Jesus.

In Love,
Real Christian? Real born again Christians? FRUIT?

Anyway, wearing medals is not for a sign. The Miraculous Medal of the Blessed Virgin Mary, for example, is an ongoing devotion. While it is worn, it is a perpetual request for the intercession of Mary who was conceived without sin. A saint medal is a perpetual request for the prayers of that saint, etc… Medals are not like bumper stickers or football jerseys. :rolleyes:
Signs and medals do not show that we are Christians…

A real Christian can be known as such without any sign.
I also think you are missing the point about signs and medals. My Brown Scapular and Miraculous Medal occasionally slip out from under my shirt for people to question. I am not wearing them to show people I am Catholic, I am wearing them as my devotion to the Blessed Mother and my faith.

But the attacks of the devil started to hit me harder when I started wearing the Brown Scapular. I think it is to be expected - the enemy hates when we step up our devotion and show our faith.
I think the wise knows when to take a stand and when it is a useless exercise. It takes time to learn it. Rashness is not a virtue, besides Jesus warned us to be smart as foxes when we are out and about in the world. Sometimes just the knowledge that we are Catholic will bring much calamity down on us. I lost a job once, because the boss hated Catholics. (I did not proselytize at work) So trouble will find you, even when you are not looking for it. But unless it is one’s calling to preach to the unconverted, it is both fruitless and self destructive to witness at one’s workplace or business. The world is pagan, and we live in the world. There is a difference between the scapular slipping out and wearing it so others can see it. You are not alone in your plight, similarly, you are you alone in your dilemma to what lengths one should go to for the Gospel.

It seems that the real reason I want to ‘fight the good fight’ is to be the hero and get the glory and I know the Bible and I know that what I want is wrong.

If that is the case then your heart is in the right place, but you may not be picking your spots well.

Let me explain. When someone notices your medal or your bumper sticker (which, by the way, I applaud you for putting out there) and asks because they want to know your thoughts on the matter, then you have a good opportunity to gently explain the Catholic position and thereby to evangelize.

When we are attacked for being openly Christian, we are to keep our mouths shut as our Lord did when He was unjustly accused, and turn the other cheek as He directed us to. If to avoid scandal you are forced to speak up, do so very gently and allow yourself to get beat up. You will be seen to be the better person; the one who loses his/her temper will look (and perhaps feel) like a jerk.

BTW, I have never successfully pulled this one off, I always fight back, make an *** of myself and the Church, and regret it later. But I haven’t given up hope!!

God bless!

Thank you all for your responses. I actually don’t have a bumper sticker on my car - sorry for the mislead. I just used it as an example. I’m too afraid of others taking shots at me perhaps when I’m in the car. Anyway maybe I’ll just wear my medals inside my shirt along with my brown scapular. But if others bring up controversial topics and what my opinion I say the truth and perhaps I can be like a fox in some way - not sure.

I realize now more than ever that I look at my prayer life as like a security blanket - like if I say my prayers and go to daily mass then my day will go ok and if it doesn’t I’m surprised. of course I shouldn’t be because we know that the closer you are to Christ the more troubles may come your way. I highlight this by remembering that when I used to walk to work - years and years ago I would pass by several homeless people. I would always wonder why are they there and not me. Do they not pray? Does God not hear their prayers? Why? Curious? Your thoughts? Thanks.
Thank you all for your responses. I actually don’t have a bumper sticker on my car - sorry for the mislead. I just used it as an example. I’m too afraid of others taking shots at me perhaps when I’m in the car. Anyway maybe I’ll just wear my medals inside my shirt along with my brown scapular. But if others bring up controversial topics and what my opinion I say the truth and perhaps I can be like a fox in some way - not sure.

I realize now more than ever that I look at my prayer life as like a security blanket - like if I say my prayers and go to daily mass then my day will go ok and if it doesn’t I’m surprised. of course I shouldn’t be because we know that the closer you are to Christ the more troubles may come your way. I highlight this by remembering that when I used to walk to work - years and years ago I would pass by several homeless people. I would always wonder why are they there and not me. Do they not pray? Does God not hear their prayers? Why? Curious? Your thoughts? Thanks.
Peace be with you.

You are not alone at all. I work for a state agency and refuse to join the workers union because of it’s stance on abortion, and it’s support on gay lifestyles. Not only am I denied certain benefits, but I am also looked “down on” by quite a few people. I will also say that many people have come up to me and mentioned their support for my stance.

Keep up the fight !

The truth is the truth even if no believes it …

In His Peace !
I highlight this by remembering that when I used to walk to work - years and years ago I would pass by several homeless people. I would always wonder why are they there and not me. Do they not pray? Does God not hear their prayers? Why? Curious? Your thoughts? Thanks.
Just because you asked…I can answer the questions of homelessness is in terms of my personal experience: I think it is a combination of yes and no.

Scenario A. My ex-husband decided he did not believe in God at some point. He had gotten heavy into porn addiction and eventually this has consumed him - and every aspect of his life. Lives with one woman after the next. He has not worked for 18 months, has no income, moved out of town and ceased all communication with us, no place to live and owns nothing but a sack of clothing. He is now a homeless person who has turned away from God. God hears prayers of those who pray. I do believe God is using this current homeless situation to draw him back. Ya know - like hitting rock bottom before you turn to God. He has been under the grip of the spirit of self -pity, and many other evil spirits which he currently does not acknoweldge.

Scenario B. I befriended a woman from church recently. She is there at Adoration every day, daily mass, talks about Jesus and not much else. She lost her home, husband, and all her belongings also. She too, like my ex, only has a sack of clothing.

This friend of mine and I often discus her purification process that God is currently putting her through. She is the most devout woman I have met and has maintained a hopeful attitude - no self-pity and anger - just love of God. Why has God reduced her to renting a room from a stranger? He is using this to strengthen her for a purpose. He hears her prayers also, but his answers seem to be…“not yet”.
Ever saw Spiderman 2?

“I believe there’s a hero in all of us. Gives us strength, makes us noble. Even though sometimes, we have to give up the thing we want the most.”

Now take that quote from the movie and see how it applies to your faith.
‘homeless people. I would always wonder why are they there and not me. Do they not pray? Does God not hear their prayers?’

if someone were to pass by job or francis of assisi, they might have asked the same thing.

sometimes prayer is what TAKES you to a place of pain and discomfort.

and through it, of course. but to it first.

while i think that bumper stickers and medals are good things, perhaps what you’re experiencing is the person reacting to you as an institution, rather than as a person. they react to your ‘vocal’ catholicism, and for whatever reason, have a negative response to it. they do not seem to be responding to YOU at all, as the one person seemed to dislike you from day one. or maybe he disliked you for some other reason. or maybe that’s just the face he makes. who knows?

the main thing to remember in all of these situations is that, while bumper stickers and medals have their place, we’re not called to bear them. we’re called to love. being a loving person will often overcome those barriers that ‘religion’ create.

some of it is, i’m sure, spiritual warfare of sorts. but most of it is just learning to a) be a loving person, and b) see that just because we love and serve God doesn’t mean our lives will be nice and happy and that everyone will like us. 🙂

God bless.
Both my husband and I have pro-life bumper stickers on our vehicles. Neither of us has EVER received a negative comment. However, we have both received many positive comments…

I agree that this is very difficult. I had a psychology class and the professor chose to notice my miraculous medal and commented at the beginning of the class about this not being a religion class.

I picked my battles throughout the semester and taught some of the youth there are many more opinions and areas of life that matter beyond Freud and some of the other nuts.
I also had many opportunities to speak to the professor turns out he was Catholic and maybe the seeds planted will help him to return.
The bumper sticker thing if you are going to put a bumper sticker on your car be the most responsible driver on the road. You are what you wear.
Dearest all

Wearing a medal, a crucifix a scapular or any religious item on a car or exposed to the exterior of the home, is not a bagde of honour, is not meant to provoke. It is a declaration of commitment and devotion to Our Lord and King Christ Jesus. What drives us to wear such things is our love of God our Father, Christ Jesus and the Holy Spirit. The wearing on the person of such an item is without saying a word a declaration of our devotion to Christ Jesus and as such if any persons dislike this, then even if you were to open your mouth and defend it I am sure they would dislike this also. I am sure however they will not dislike your Christian kindness and love towards them. Wear you devotions if you want to with love in your heart because this love is greater than any comment any person may make towards you, whether good, bad or indifferent. You are not wearing it for their benefit but for the Lord’s because you love Him and to remind yourself frequently throughout the day and night of your devotion to Him. If you meet with unkindness towards you because of the wearing of such a devotion it is not an unkindness to you but to the Lord. It is truw you need no outward sign of your devotion because it truly resides in your hearts, but this does lead to an outward sign sometimes of your devotion, if you feel that your spirit is lead to the wearing of an item of devotion to the Lord, don’t hide it, wear it. We are not meant to hide our LOVE of Christ Jesus, but show it whether by our actions and words and/or the wearing of devotions. Don’t be afraid of any person, but rather love them all and weather the storms when they come to you in LOVE of Christ Jesus.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you xxxxxxxx
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