Grace to you!
Dear Teresa, thank you for your really interesting reply. Just allow me to give some comments, always remembering that ONLY God is the Truth, and His Word is truth.
Dearest Yaqubos
Your point is relevant, in this since, that a medal or a crucifix, should not become a point of idolatry, but that is NEVER how they are used.
I saw people burning incense before a cross or a picture… And they go to the church…Even priests…
They are worn in love, they are a visible devotion. When a scapular is worn, the Priest blesses the first one (subsequent ones do not need to be blessed when the old one has worn out) at this blessing he not only blesses the scapular but blesses it’s ‘devotion’ .
This is what I am asking: how is this a visible devotion, while Christian worship is in spirit and truth? Do we have to make idols like pagans?
This is worn for a reason, not only to remind us of who we love, it is not just as simplistic as this, but is a mental, within the heart and spirit and outward committment by the person who wears it of devotion to Jesus and Mary etc.
Well, this is what is called idolatry. Pagans also didn’t make idols because they believed that those idols are just gods in themselves. But they believed that the idol is a representation of the god they worship:
"After quieting the crowd, the town clerk said, “Men of Ephesus, what man is there after all who does not know that the city of the Ephesians is guardian of the temple of the great Artemis and of the image which fell down from heaven?” ( Acts 19:35 )
The image which fell down from heaven…
It is good and right to have statues, crucifixes, crosses, light candles, pray before them (not to statue etc) to create a visible symbol of devotion, towards which our love flows and we know Jesus loves us. No-one has ever made an image of God our Father because he is a Spirit, but Christ Jesus was a flesh and blood man as well as God in all sense of His divinity
The Bible says that Jesus is the image of the invisible God. So there is no other image of God then Jesus.
But, of course, having pictures representing some events or facts in the life of Jesus is not idolatry, unless people make them objects of devotion and prayer and burning incense before them.
Furthermore for example at the Anointing of the Sick it is necessary for a crucifix to be present as also when Mass takes place, it is most powerful in reminding us of Christ’s unending sacrifice.
And what is the Bread and Wine? Why did Jesus call us to do them? Isn’t that for remembrence of His death? Well, it seems that you think we need more things to remember…
If indeed we were to strip away all images of Christ Jesus and Mary, we would be losing the reminders and sacred objects that fortify our faiths. It is in no way compulsory that every Christian or Catholic possess any of these objects, but some do because it strengthens and enhances faith.
Well, according to the Bible, Faith doesn’t need to see in order to believe:
“Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things
not seen.” ( Hebrews 11:1 )
The Lord be with you!