Awesome post!I’m tired of people using Television, the internet and books as a crutch for what is truly the problem. Bad parenting! That is the problem with society today.
I grew up in NYC, one of the most diverse and perverse cities in the US. There were porn shops all over, there were drugs all over. Gangs, crime, abortions and corruption, you name it was there. I was raised by a single mother, who busted her behind because my real father was a junkie and bailed out. She would leave the house at 6 am and come back at 6 pm. I watched plenty of shows on TV that were considered “immoral” Guess what? My mother would come home, ask to see our notebooks, see if we did our homework, and ask us what we did, what did we see on the television. Then she would tell us “This is wrong because of this…” LESSON LEARNED!
I learned to curse, get bad habits from friends, not television. Where did they learn? Listening to their parent’s filthy mouths. The difference between me and my friends is that my mother was there for me. My friends had no one looking over what they did. And the majority of them had both parents who were home all day, living off the welfare system. Most of them are dead, in prison or heavily into drugs. My mother showed me alternatives to the streets, instilled values and discipline. My mother showed me what was right and what was wrong, to respect women, my fellow human beings. My mother took the time out to educate me and lead me to what is right and what is wrong.
I’m pretty sure the AIDS epidemic in Brazil (Very Catholic) is due to provocative Television? Heck, I doubt a lot of those people in have plumbing, let alone a television. I’m pretty sure the violence in the Middle East is due to Television? I’m pretty sure the drug cartels in Mexico (VERY CATHOLIC COUNTRY, MIND YOU) watched some movies, read books, surfed the internet and were influenced by them to go out and sell drugs, kidnap people, enslave people and exploit people.
In Europe and Japan the television networks push the envelope way farther than the US Networks. I don’t see the crime, drug use and sexually transmitted disease statistics in those countries that I see here in the US.
Why are gang memberships up in the US? Ask any kid in a gang. Why are you in a gang? They will reply “Because these people are like my family. They show me love, they look out for me. My parents don’t give an F about me; they don’t even acknowledge I am there” not “because MTV, CNN and the WB glorified it”
I’ve never heard anyone say “I joined a gang because Television glorified it” or “I had sex because television said it was cool”
Why do girls get abortions in the ghetto? Because they have no value for their lives, let alone anyone else’s. Same with gang members and drug dealers when they turn to crimes such as assault and murder. NO VALUE FOR HUMAN LIVES. The majority of those people, don’t go to school, are out in the streets until 1, 2, 3 am. Where is there time for television?
Get with the times people. Take that veil of ignorance from your eyes. Education and nurturing begins in the home. Not in the school, TV, radio, internet and books. We live in a society that resembles the jungle. I’ll feed you and nurture you until you are able to walk and fend for yourselves. Then it is up to you to not fall prey to the predators out there" We all know what happens in the jungle.
A kid shoots up his school. We go after the GUN companies or blame Hollywood, or blame ROCK MUSIC and RAP MUSIC. 15 year old Jane Doe from Suburbia sits on the computer all day, while her parents ignore her. She chats all day in the chatrooms. Some guy tells her come meet me here at said time. Little Jane Doe agrees, goes and meets the man and disappears. Little Jane Doe is found weeks later dead in some ditch. Where were Jane Doe’s parents through all that? Why aren’t they blamed? But no! It is the internet’s fault, because if the internet was not there. She would still be alive. Wonderful thinking there.
I’m pretty sure if they passed a law where parents would be accountable for anything their children/teens did or anything that happened to their children due to their negligence with heavy fines and or jail time, those things would be totally different.
I speak from experience, I’ve seen it, felt it, heard it, and lived it. I am not speaking from some secluded area, suburbia or a farm.
I don’t knock any of you for wanting to make aware to the public the evils of television or any other form of media. That is wonderful. It is a good cause. Though it falls short and is all in vain. Why? Because it is only a selected few who give two craps about it.
Take for instance things like the parental guidance warnings, the V-Chip, the inclusion of passwords in television sets and cable boxes. What good is all that technology and information if PARENTS themselves do not enforce them or utilize them?