OP, have you ever consulted a lawyer? Many law firms give free, one-time telephone cosultations. These policies just don’t seem…well, legal, in the educational field. I only knew of a friend who graduated from an unaccredited, four-year, Bible college. And he did find a difficult time finding a job, in this field.(He, and the school,were nondenominational Protestants). To their credit, they never called themselves a seminary, or offered ordination.
I suggest consulting a lawyer because the school could be getting by on a rumor…or other questionable tactics. And, there are certain things they have to agree with, in order to get any help from the government. Offhand, are the 'community churches on the list recent additions? Because, they were probably the first churches to perform, and recognize gay marriage!
I think that any college not limited to theology would get in trouble for that. I’m no expert, but I can’t imagine a baptist church (or seminary, or theological school) agreeing with tolerance of gay relationships. I’m probably getting kind of obsessed with this whole thing, and I won’t be offended if you don’t answer. However, you should think seriously about how the agreement you signed was presented to you, how you found out about their ability to deny you credits you earned, and just how legal this is…or can be! I think you’ll feel better about keeping some things back, once you find out the true legality, the truth in general about what you were told. There are many things a lawyer can tell you, even in a quick, free consultation, that the rest of us…face it, we just couldn’t.
I wish you the very best, in your catholic conversion, and, your nursing career.
God Bless!