Cyberwolf,Das link
Found this on an Atheist dominated board. There Already starting to call the legislator a bigot and sexiest…
sigh Okay if I had any doubt this was about right to choose it is gone now…
Same here Catholig…Cyberwolf,
I’d rather they worked on making abortion illegal.
Heather Paffe, political director of Planned Parenthood of Texas, said Patrick’s proposal “is very cynical and insulting to women and their families.”
“It’s insulting to think women would make that kind of decision so easily,” she said.
If they want to spend money on pro-life causes, they should spend an extra $500 on every poor pregnant woman for baby supplies or prenatal care and counseling.I think it will backfire, though.
- It reduces the value of a human life to the $500 being offered.
- Women not considering abortion might say they are just to get the $500 when “persuaded” to put him or her up for adoption.
- Women might begin selling their bodies just to get the $500 incentive.
I don’t know how the adoption process works, so this might be all wrong-$500 is not worth going through 9 months of pregnancy, I know you people are against abortion but if by some tragedy I were in a situation where I was considering abortion I would laugh if someone offered me $500 to carry the thing to term, that would hardly pay for even one doctors visit. So not worth it.
I didn’t mean offense by saying “you people” I swear I didn’t. Please accept my apologies if you took offence. I just meant it in a broad way to encompass the general feelings of the people on this forum.And as much as I bristle against the phrase “you people” (as in “I know you people are against abortion”…)
Can anyone address this? If a woman contacts an adoption agency, do they cover prenatal care?
I don’t know how the adoption process works, so this might be all wrong-
If you’re going to give your child up for adoption, and contact an adoption agency, I wonder if they provide prenatal care for you…?
I think there are also crisis pregnancy agencies the provide free prenatal care, so it’s not like the $500 is meant to cover medical expenses.
And as much as I bristle against the phrase “you people” (as in “I know you people are against abortion”…), my response to you does make me question this legislation. If the $500 goes to a women who has decided to put the child up for adoption, and presuming prenatal care is provided to her through the adoption agency, what is the money for…?
If, on the other hand, the money is intended to cover medical expenses for the pregnancy, labor, and delivery, then it seems an insultingly low amount.
Can anyone address this? If a woman contacts an adoption agency, do they cover prenatal care?
I don’t think theres many adoption angencies that cover expenses, from what I hear they’re pretty strapped for cash as it is.
While you make a good point that the expenses would not be covered by the incentive, I was thinking of women who have some sort of health insurance already.… $500 to carry the thing to term, that would hardly pay for even one doctors visit. So not worth it.
Not to hijack the thread, but yes, I think that is a horrible abuse of the welfare system, a system that, in my opinion, needs to be completely scrapped (just like the IRS) and restarted from scratch so it cannot become a permanent solution for some lazy *** could argue that women on welfare, who get more money the more children they have, are being encouraged to turn baby making into a career. Should we do away with welfare for women and children, too?
**I am going to try and be as gentle and charitable as possible here…if by some tragedy I were in a situation where I was considering abortion I would laugh if someone offered me $500 to carry the thing to term.
Does anyone recall who the Texas Legislator was?
I might like to contribute to his next campaign.