Texas legislator propose $500 to NOT abort

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Just click on the link in the OP…it’s in the news story…
Duhhh! I didn’t try the link because I was thinking the article was no longer at that link from something the OP said. That’s what I get for thinking. 😊

Thank you.
But for me, even if the expenses were covered by someone going through pregnancy, labor and delivery just wouldn’t be worth $500. I know I’m the minority here but its just the way I feel…thats part of why I don’t risk putting myself in situations that could lead to pregnancy.
Is $500 not worth it to carry a baby to term expense-free because you aren’t aware of the risks involved with abortion? Because I feel that if the facts behind the risks of abortion were allowed to be made more public, then abortion wouldn’t be such big business.
It seems like adoption agencies should be helping women with costs (because of the shortage of babies up for adoption) but I actually don’t know of any that do. They probably exist, but I don’t know how to find them. Maybe someone else knows of one?

Adoptive parents will sometimes assist the birth parents with costs, but I think this is directly arranged through a lawyer and the money doesn’t go through the agency.
This got me thinking about more government assistance for promoting adoption over abortion, I remember hearing something a while ago regarding a debate about this w/ PP fighting such assistance, but I can’t find specifics…?

Anyway, I did find this from Dr. Wilke regarding the costs of abortion vs. adoption:
"Planned Parenthood did one of the definitive studies on this which showed that at the time of the study there were welfare costs of $13,900 for each first birth to a teenager (married and unmarried), and $8,400 for each first birth to her if she was 20 years or older. Compare this with the average of nearly $50,000 each will ultimately pay in taxes as an adult. M. Burt, “Public Cost of Teen Childbearing,” Family Planning Perspective, vol. 18, no. 5, Sept. 1986 "
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