Texas social workers drop nondiscrimination rules for LGBTQ, disabilities

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There is no good reason to discriminate for the most part.
I am sure the Feds will step in once they have their next meeting the Social Worker department for that State.
Being Texas I can understand the gay part, but disabilities? Really? Bunch of fools.
It talks about changes, but never specifically mentions what the changes are.
It may be just an oopsy. In any case, I cannot imagine any social worker paying any attention to this change.
Weren’t you and Paulinva griping about Trump not keeping his word with the 60 minutes video? Rather glib about ignoring regulations and agreements now.
Read the story. The headline is very misleading.

There is no agreement here between Social Worker Board and the Social Workers themselves.
They can try to make it binding on the Social Worker out on the street, but the conscientious Social Worker will ignore it. And there already is backlash from the State Social workers union. It will not last long.
What makes this troubling is that Gov. Abbott is at least a nomial Catholic. And it’s strange because he uses a wheelchair himself.
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If something is strange, then perhaps some skepticism is in order. If dropping these rules make no sense, having them in the first place makes no more sense. I cannot imagine any situation of service delivery where this would even be an issue. Suicide counseling? “You are paraplegic? Sorry, we think your kind should kill themselves.” HHS? “You need a voucher for glasses? Okay first tell me what gender you want to have sex with.”

I do not see where there would ever have been any room for discrimination in the first place. Some jobs just do not lend themselves to this sort of thing.
Isn’t this pretty much the same thing that North Carolina did?
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