Thank you to CAF members

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Well-known member
I hope it is OK to post this is World News, but this is where most of my time was spent, and in a few hours this will be the only kind of thread allowed.

Thanks to @Ender , who first showed me how to debate in a civil and respectful manner. Also to @pnewton whose moderate perspective has sometimes made me see when my liberal tendencies were going too far. Also to @Cathoholic whose friendship and passion I will never forget. Also to @Theo520 whose honesty is an inspiration. And to @Ridgerunner, @HarryStotle, @JonNC, @vz71, and many others, thank you for spending your time in engaging debates and sharing your perspectives. I hope we meet again somewhere in cyberspace.
I hope it is OK to post this is World News, but this is where most of my time was spent
Ditto. It doesn’t appear to be a violation of the stated rules. I appreciate the moderator’s choosing to have CAF close on a happy note.

I’ve been here about 11 years. I found my way here after someone on this forum posted a link to a YouTube video (posting to YouTube can cause YouTube to generate a reverse link). I came here out of curiosity of why in the world would someone have posted a link to a specific video that didn’t even mention Catholicism. That brought me to the Philosophy forum, where I had exclusively posted for quite some time.

I’m not Catholic. I’m not a member of any religion. Nonetheless I’ve enjoyed my time here and have learned a lot. Some of the people I’m about to mention have left the forums in times past. But they still get a mention.

There are a number of users for which I just enjoyed reading what they had to say. I didn’t necessarily agree with what they wrote, but I sitll enjoyed reading it. That includes @pnewton, @dvdjs, @ProVobis,
@PattyIt , @PaulinVA, @puer.dei, @gracepoole, and @PRmerger .

@F_Marturana gets a shout out for just being such a good person!

I can only “mention” 10 people in a post. So no more at signs from here.

I appreciated the many incarnations of a user that went by the name Spock. He made me laugh. He went by many other names as he would sometimes get suspended. (name removed by moderator) brought me much joy too. As did Cathoholic 🙂, lol.

After CAF shuts down, I’m taking my political arguments to Reddit under a different ID.
I’m thinking of checking out Reddit too.

I came here back in 2007 in a spirit of friendship and fellowship and CAF has not disappointed. So goodbye to the many friends I made here; May your journeys go ever on and on, and be full of joy and laughter.
I will miss everyone, absolutely.

I have learned so much about our country and it’s people here. I’ve learned that other people don’t necessarily always agree with me ( 😉) and that we all come from different backgrounds with different experiences and different views.

It’s been eye opening in a good way.
@Nepperhan has been a worthy “sparring” partner, and I’ve valued our conversations.
And @meltzerboy2 has brought such valuable perspective.
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CAF has been an interesting part of my life for the past many years.

I can’t say it has been all positive but I have met some great people.

God Bless all of you
As a part timer on this forum. It has been interesting for sure. I have always strived to be respectful to others.
Thank you everybody including or perhaps especially the people that work here.

I will pray for all of you. (And please pray for me too.)

God bless.

Thank you all. I’ve learnt so much from posters here, and even if we disagreed, I truly appreciate the knowledge that was shared. I’m sad to see CAF go.
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