Look, if divorced people were pushing a divorced lifestyle on me as normal, it would bother me. I avoid movies that portray divorce as anything more than peripheral. i hated the new War of the Worlds because it didn’t add anything, in my mind, that now the hero was a slacker divorcee with insolent children. I hated the way Santa Clause Two portrayed the blended family as all happy slappy. Yeah, my psychologist stepdad is cool. I hate the former because it’s depressing and the latter because it’s unrealistic. However, people acknowledge that it’s not an ideal. That’s why Tom Cruise’s son hates him in War of the Worlds.
Homosexuality is portrayed as either normal (which, when it’s only 4% of population, it’s not), idealized, or both. I’ve yet to see an NBC sitcom that shows a gay character talking about going to the bathhouse after work or soliciting sex from a stranger online, which is what my former coworkers did. The homosexual couples i knew who called their relationship a “marriage” also weren’t monogamous. Yes, there are “open” straight marriages, but in gay relationships it’s the majority, while in straight relationships it’s a small fraction. This is destructive to the people living the gay lifestyle, as is gay sex itself. Two of my former coworkers had gone to the emergency room for injuries sustained from sodomy. Not only that, but std’s spread much easier through gay sex. Condoms were designed for straight sex. A woman secretes lubrication that helps the condom “glide” during intercourse. The anus does not. The rates of condom breakage and slippage during gay sex, therefore, is higher, which puts gay men at increased risk for AIDS transmission.
When 25% of gay men in San Francisco are HIV positive, is promoting homosexuality as normal really loving? Do you know how many gay men i heard say they felt guilty because so many of their friends died of AIDS and they were still alive? Do you know how many fatalistic young gay men try to contract AIDS because they see it as inevitable? Or as a form of rebellion? You should go to a bug chasers website sometime.
And if you have a gay brother who doesn’t want to get AIDS, who just wants a relationship, what do you say when he gets ahold of one of these guys who doesn’t get tested regularly for AIDS and doesn’t care if he spreads STD’s? Promiscuity is killing our young people, gay and straight, but it’s more widespread in the gay community. Even lesbians have an average of 8 more partners than their straight counterparts.
Our compassion is to lovingly tell our gay friends and relatives that God loves them and knows that chastity is the only way any of us will be happy. The cross they must bear is chaste celibacy. When you have seen the gay lifestyle in the destructive ways i have, you know that asking someone to be celibate is nothing compared to asking them to die with AIDS, or live with a colostomy bag for the rest of their life. Not to mention the drug and alcohol abuse and depression that typically come with this lifestyle. If i am obsessed with gaiety, it is only because i know how horrible it is and live with the anguish of people i truly care about not asking any better for themselves. I think the people posting on here who aren’t that opposed to homosexuality have never seen a beloved friend in vinyl chaps on his way to a leather bear orgy. Maybe you should actually look at where the gay lifestyle leads before you call us witch hunters. This isn’t about burning them at the stake, it’s an intervention to save their earthly lives and their very souls. Wake up.