One thing I enjoy about posting on a forum like this is that you find out a little about yourself. And so far, just in this short thread I have discovered a few things:
I believe that nothing has value
I’ve been tricked.,
I think that life is Random.
I ignore evidence.
The only bonds I have with others are due to my selfish reasons.
My conscience has been socially engineered.
My values are fantasies.
I don’t consider evidence.
My beliefs are circular.
I am immune to reason.
I embrace hopelessness.
I am a nihilist.
I think that life is empty of reason.
I consider good and evil are not really relevant.
I claim to be righteous.
My spirit is weak.
I can’t be trusted with life.
I have no soul.
I’m dim and fading out of life (?).
I believe in dead matter.
My values are small.
I believe that nothing matters.
I have no direction.
Existence for me is meaningless.
My beliefs are inhuman and limited.
I am not philosophically adept.
I’m dishonest in some things.
I don’t accept that I exist.
I don’t read philosophy.
Wow. And I thought everything was going so well. In fact, I was going to make a list of everything that is going right for me at this time. Mostly to do with family but including friends and some general feely-goody stuff. But I don’t want to be thought of as giving the finger to anyone who may be going through a rough time at the moment. We all have them and my sympathies if you are experiencing one.
But…if there is a fixed amount of love and happiness in the world, then colour me guilty because somehow I have ended up with more than my fair share. For someone to say something along the lines of my having no value in life just makes me laugh. Literally. Out loud. I was giggling to myself on the train this morning whilst I was making that list from the few posts so far.
I have this mental picture of me and my family sitting on the deck having a drink and the new neighbour starts shouting out across the fence: ‘You have no values! You have no direction! You think that life is empty of reason!’. Then she goes back in and someone says – what the hell was that? And I say not to worry, she’s a Christian. And there’s a long pause, we all pull pretend glum faces and dissolve in laughter.
What I mean is that no evidence that is not in line with atheism will convince because it cannot be allowed within the premise. For example, “miracles do not exist therefore they cannot exist” is one argument I’ve read by an atheist even though the evidence for a miracle would be convincing to anyone who does not need to deny that miracles can exist.
Della, tell that atheist she is an idiot. Or maybe she’s not an idiot but basic logic is beyond her.
Look, I don’t think miracles occur either. If you asked me if I thought they did then the short answer would be ‘No’. However, the longer answer, which is a tad more specific and which I don’t write every time I’m asked because a simple ‘No’ is much quicker is this:
‘I haven’t seen any evidence of the supernatural that would convince me that it exists. I have been presented with many examples and none of them are remotely believable. I am quite prepared, up to a point, to listen to anyone who thinks that they have credible evidence. I say ‘up to a point’ because I am generally a busy man with work and family matters to deal with. But I am prepared to be convinced. Until such time that credible evidence is produced, I will assume that it doesn’t and make my way through life on that basis.’
That sound reasonable?