Yet there is no evidence God exists.God, by definition, is eternal, and thus can never cease to exist.
Yet there is no evidence God exists.God, by definition, is eternal, and thus can never cease to exist.
That shouldn’t be a problem for you, mk, eh?Yet there is no evidence God exists.
What is wrong to grant me my miniscule wish, to show that THERE IS a God, and it is not just a figment of your imagination? If God does not care about me, why should I care about him? You keep on asserting that “God loves me more than I can imagine”, but he is unwilling to give me the evidence, that he exists? Is he too busy, or something?It is not impossible, but the act of revealing himself must be by his will, not yours.
Why do you keep on telling me what the church says? Don’t you realize that the authority of church means nothing to a non-Catholic? Let me remind you: “only God has the authority to speak for God”. No one else, not the Pope, not the church, not the Magisterium… NO ONE. Keep this in mind if you wish to present an argument. Before you hit the “Submit” button, read your post again, and make sure that you do not refer to the church, to the Magisterium, the Bible, the “sacred” tradition.You are expected to earn the right to see him as he is, not in this world, but in the next. This is not me reading the mind of God, but the Church which teaches this because it has been revealed to the Church by Jesus Christ.
If God cares about us at all, he must give us assurance of his existence. If he does not care, then… he should not be surprised if we do not care about him either. And in that case the only thing he can do is to PUNISH us with eternal torture for not believing for something that HE did not present the evidence. Hardly the epitome of “love”, let alone “justice”, much less “mercy”.And we have to remember that “seeing God” is a figurative expression because we are bound by the traditions of metaphor in our language. Knowing God is going to be more likely than seeing God as an atheist might require God to reveal himself.
Sure looks like that you confused me with 987mk. It was I who said that there are MANY things that I am willing to accept without direct, personal verification or evidence… but only those propositions, which are irrelevant.That shouldn’t be a problem for you, mk, eh?
You have asserted that you believe without evidence.
Isn’t that right?
Actually, he did - he became fully human, walked amongst human beings, taught and performed miracles. We humans had him nailed to a cross for his trouble.Is that impossible for God to exhibit his existence physically?
Apart from copyright, patents and other forms of intellectual property rights.Peter Plato;13533063:
Actually, my “logic” states that all you have to accept is that there are ideas living inside your head that chemistry or physics do not or cannot account for. Do you want to set about proving there are no ideas in your head?
I suppose you can’t prove that there are ideas living there, either, unfortunately. Strictly speaking, you can’t provide “evidence” for ideas. Or evidence that proves the existence of you as a personal subjective identity. Can you?
So these “copyright, patents and other forms of intellectual property rights” are evidence that human beings accept the reality of supernatural ideas and are willing to endorse their reality by acknowledging proprietorship.
Was that your point?
Well, I am not a dualist. Try to reconcile that with your other presumptions of what I am saying or implying.Evidence of ideas is not evidence for any particular idea about their origin. It no more confirms your dualist idea that any other.
God is Love.What is wrong to grant me my miniscule wish, to show that THERE IS a God, and it is not just a figment of your imagination? . . . After all he SUPPOSEDLY promised: “knock and the door will be opened”, and “ask and you shall receive”… I think that these are simply human wishes, and God never talked to anyone at all. Why do you keep on telling me what the church says? Don’t you realize that the authority of church means nothing to a non-Catholic? Let me remind you: “only God has the authority to speak for God”. No one else, not the Pope, not the church, not the Magisterium… NO ONE. . . If God cares about us at all, he must give us assurance of his existence. If he does not care, then… he should not be surprised if we do not care about him either. And in that case the only thing he can do is to PUNISH us with eternal torture for not believing for something that HE did not present the evidence. Hardly the epitome of “love”, let alone “justice”, much less “mercy”.
So, apparently, you admit there are “mountains of empirical evidence” for the existence of supernatural things. What is your point?No, as stated my point was that you were wrong, there are mountains of empirical evidence for ideas.
You need to stop putting words in my mouth, it’s wicked, you should repent as the time is neigh etc. The good folk at CAF keep empirical evidence of every post for all who have eyes to see. I encourage you to look once again. What I said, and you even quoted it, was “there are mountains of empirical evidence for ideas”.So, apparently, you admit there are “mountains of empirical evidence” for the existence of supernatural things. What is your point?
*The entire universe is one huge mountain of empirical evidence for the supernatural since the natural could not have brought itself into existence, and everything natural (matter, energy, space and time) came into existence 13.7 billion years ago.
Again, what is your point - that the supernatural cannot, in principle, provide itself with empirical evidence?
I have a free will - that is not a natural entity. Any of my actions that are free and not caused are empirical evidence for free will since, by definition, will that is unencumbered by the causal order but, instead, originates novel causal chains is a free will.
Natural entities are caused by other natural entities, unless they are not - which brings us back to the Big Bang. It could not have been caused by any natural entity since matter, time, energy and space (the possibility and grounds for natural entities) began then. What caused the Big Bang could not have been natural, therefore, the cause was super-natural, by definition.
No dualism is implied here - merely a continuum of being based upon characteristics, capacities or other attributes. “Natural” simply implies beings limited to space and time by dependency upon matter and energy for actuality and continuity. The natural order could not have bootstrapped itself into existence, therefore it has to be superintended by whatever is “beyond” it that is not limited to matter, energy, space or time.
I love your “natural entities are caused by other natural entities, unless they are not”. Your mind is a sharp as ever.Natural evidence is not sufficient evidence in any case because all natural evidence is contingent upon something else to explain it both causally and metaphysically.*
NO ONE? Not Abraham? Not Moses? Not the Prophets? Not Jesus?Why do you keep on telling me what the church says? Don’t you realize that the authority of church means nothing to a non-Catholic? **Let me remind you: “only God has the authority to speak for God”. No one else, not the Pope, not the church, not the Magisterium… NO ONE. **
If God became incarnate in Jesus and Jesus gave the Church magisterium the authority to bind and loose and to speak in his name, then your little magisterium of one autonomous human being is, in fact, incorrect in your unilateral ruling in your attempt to speak for God on who should not speak for God.Keep this in mind if you wish to present an argument. Before you hit the “Submit” button, read your post again, and make sure that you do not refer to the church, to the Magisterium, the Bible, the “sacred” tradition.
I realize the authority of the Church means nothing to you. My answer was to assure you that it is not me, but the Church, that can read the mind of God. Please keep track of what we have been talking about before you go ballistic?Why do you keep on telling me what the church says? Don’t you realize that the authority of church means nothing to a non-Catholic?
If God cares about us at all, he must give us assurance of his existence.
You typically presume to speak AS IF Lemaitre was denying the Creation when he was merely denying the physical evidence of Creation, which his theory was implying without demonstrating. As Lemaitre said, it is a philosophical question, not a scientific question. But philosophy can be based upon empirical evidence as well.Don’t know how many times I have to quote Monsignor George Lemaître, the originator of the big bang theory, stating that it does NOT prove a creation event. Anyone who knows the history will know how he hot footed it to the Vatican to warn his pope to not say that, and the pope never mentioned it again. Here, once again is Lemaître:.
You forget that Fr. Lemaitre died over 50 years ago, which means cosmology and physics did not cease to progress beyond his work when he passed away. A great deal has been done with regard to the science of astrophysics, physics and the fine tuning of the universe.You need to stop putting words in my mouth, it’s wicked, you should repent as the time is neigh etc. The good folk at CAF keep empirical evidence of every post for all who have eyes to see. I encourage you to look once again. What I said, and you even quoted it, was “there are mountains of empirical evidence for ideas”.
I love your “natural entities are caused by other natural entities, unless they are not”. Your mind is a sharp as ever.
Don’t know how many times I have to quote Monsignor George Lemaître, the originator of the big bang theory, stating that it does NOT prove a creation event. Anyone who knows the history will know how he hot footed it to the Vatican to warn his pope to not say that, and the pope never mentioned it again. Here, once again is Lemaître:
We may speak of this event as of a beginning. I do not say a creation. Physically it is a beginning in the sense that if something happened before, it has no observable influence on the behavior of our universe, as any feature of matter before this beginning has been completely lost by the extreme contraction at the theoretical zero. Any preexistence of the universe has a metaphysical character. Physically, everything happens as if the theoretical zero was really a beginning. The question if it was really a beginning or rather a creation, something started from nothing, is a philosophical question which cannot be settled by physical or astronomical considerations." - catholicculture.org/culture/library/view.cfm?recnum=8847#sthash.M7IL1tw2.dpuf
And that will always be the case, since there’s no possibility of finding physical evidence to prove it one way or the other. But in any event, none of that has anything to do with your claim that ideas are supernatural, nor with the OP. If you want to start a thread on what empirical evidence can or can’t prove, then it might indeed be interesting, but 800 posts into this thread is not the place to debate it as many posters who might be interested won’t be subscribers.
Okay, I will repent when “the time” takes on the quality of a high-pitched nasal sound emitted by horses.You need to stop putting words in my mouth, it’s wicked, you should repent as **the time is **neigh etc. The good folk at CAF keep empirical evidence of every post for all who have eyes to see. I encourage you to look once again. What I said, and you even quoted it, was “there are mountains of empirical evidence for ideas”.
I’m surprised you never castigate Charles for that tired old tv script he keeps quoting. Now that is out of date, since it’s now known that the universe spent a considerable time in what are called the dark ages before light first shone.You forget that Fr. Lemaitre died over 50 years ago, which means cosmology and physics did not cease to progress beyond his work when he passed away. A great deal has been done with regard to the science of astrophysics, physics and the fine tuning of the universe.
How about moving forward to today instead of relying upon the words of Fr. Lemaitre as if he intended them to be dogmatic proclamations?
Of course, in his day there were insufficient reasons for proving “a creation event,” that does not mean his words regarding the sufficiency of evidence that existed then still apply fifty years after he stated them. Do you suppose he would insist that his words should ring true for all times and places? Science, according to Fr. Lemaitre, would not progress any further when he passed away? I have no reason for thinking he would agree with your “spin” on his words.
These kinds of posts are the reason for me to come back. They provide excellent entertainment. Let’s review some.Actually, he did - he became fully human, walked amongst human beings, taught and performed miracles. We humans had him nailed to a cross for his trouble.
I mean what greater evidence could God provide than personally becoming fully human? Sure beats some cheap magic trick.
Perhaps he is a tad concerned about what his second reception will be since we haven’t exactly improved our manners.
Judging by your excessive “rules for the behavior of God,” I can understand why he would prefer that you work out his existence or lack thereof for yourself so you can live with the consequences.
Does any of your predetermined “evidence” for what God would do to prove he exists include “becoming a human being and showing he truly loves us by living among us and suffering the full fallout of human existence?”
It was at the top of my list. Second was creation of an entire universe from nothing. Cosmological fine tuning proved that, so as far as I am concerned I have all the evidence I need.
Frankly, if you cannot see that Jesus Christ is God Incarnate, there isn’t much left to say.
I find the evidence unimpeachable.
Believing it isn’t the issue, however, but living out the implications certainly is.
My guess is you simply choose not to live out those implications, preferring instead to rationalize away your unwillingness. Can’t help you there, either.
Why do you keep saying that?Yet there is no evidence God exists.
Ah, well then let’s do the complete quote.I’m surprised you never castigate Charles for that tired old tv script he keeps quoting. Now that is out of date, **since it’s now known that the universe spent a considerable time in what are called the dark ages **before light first shone.
Well, now you are insinuating about my insinuating. All I said was that “My guess is you simply choose not to live out those implications, preferring instead to rationalize away your unwillingness. Can’t help you there, either.”Your “guess” about my lack of belief is totally unfounded, and quite insulting at that. You accuse me of intellectual dishonesty and insinuate that my lack of belief is simply due to me desire to live some kind of “immoral” and “evil” life. Of course you know nothing about my everyday life.