I have been reading about David M Jacobs Phd. study of the alien abduction phenomina, and about the work he did to collect an honest data base of the experiences of people who claim to have been abducted by aliens. He seems sincere in this. He doesn’t come across as someone who is trying to make a name for himself or trying to profit on the alien bandwagon as most have done.
which we have been taught still applies. The evidence shows that we are animals to them. It would seem that they have been playing the “Nazi doctor” for eons.
He has much to lose in supporting this topic, which to most borders on fantasy and delusion.
At his site, he tells of the experiences of his patience, who's stories seem to follow a set pattern. The individuals have no contact with each other and they for the most part are deeply depressed and fearful after years of being selected out for experiments by these aliens.
These beings are carrying out sperm and egg collection procedures in order to create hybrid creatures stored in artificial glass like wombs, and they have perfected the process which obviously took hundred of years. They force people through these procedures thru telepathic control and stimulate artificial sexual desires. They sometimes allow an involuntary sexual act between strangers to facilitate the breeding procedure.
These creatures are far more advanced technologically than we are, and have mastered time travel and the laws of science. Their physique is exactly what you would expect for a being of advanced intelligence who has become unaccustomed to physical tasks. It would seem that their physique can no longer provide for procreation of their own judging by their actions on earth, and their weak and spindly lower regions.
The problem is that if these creatures have been allowed by God's grace to take tens of thousands of years to develop at their leisure to where they are now in technology, how is it they were given the grace to do so?. No creator seems to have been guiding,scolding and smiting these into their future, and driving home that they need to glorify their creator. They show no fear of the Divine. Subjects who try to interrupt the telepathy with prayer do not witness the aliens exhibiting any inhibitions,hesitations,piety or pangs of conscience when they do so. It's has if they consider it as anything else unique to human existence, a crutch or necessity just for us. Evidence indicates they progressed without the slightest need for a God in their lives.
But why is the human story encapsulated, with all it's lessons learned, in just say eight thousand years?. What was the rush for us, when these creatures have carte blanche to populate and progress without hindrance?. Their operating table experiments show they have no sensitivity to human suffering, even if it is because we are deserving as intelligent beings. God surely would have told the universe that they are in the presence of creatures created in God's image, and the degrees of nobility, thus a dignity
So an official notice by the Church that they do indeed exist is not just some simple readjustment of our existence and beliefs in the grand scheme of things, that now encompass the aliens, but a situation that begs real pressing answers only God could answer. You could hear a pin drop on that day when all is revealed.
For instance it questions...... Why the urgency for us? Why was the test bed so much easier for them? Why was there no calling them to account for their treating the universe like animals, while they were rewarded by probably hundreds of thousands of years of uninterrupted joy in experimentation and exploration, and not one temple in sight?. Why do we not see evidence or receive the impression of tension, showing they have adversarial groups influenced by the Holy Spirit that called them to reform their lives?.
Christ said he has other worlds, and most think now that he meant physical worlds. If so, it will be interesting to see how our world played into the grand scheme.
I'm just supposing of course on speculative evidence. But the questions can still be asked now if indeed it turns out to be true.