ans.2) Beginning is the point at which we are given existence, change is a condition of our nature, there are other conditions, such as matter and form, essence and existence. We are created with a nature that has the capacity to become (Potency) to becoming (Act) This is a real fact of our human experience. We are born and we go through stages of becoming mature adults, to old age and death. This is fact not fiction, not subjective reality but objective reality.3) You are again making our beginning a condition of experiencing objective reality which is done by the mind. Do people who don’t know objective reality exist. You bet!!
ans 4) You got that right if the two things are 1) the Creator, the uncaused cause, and 2) the caused, creation.
I rest my case, I can’t make it any clearer, you can believe what you desire, I can’t change your mind,thats the power of free will, even God won’t interfere.
Ans. to 1) Being exposed to reality humanly speaking can only be accomplished by the act of knowing which is done by the intellect or mind. Our existence does not depend on “our act of knowing” which is a function of the mind, the mind or intellect is a faculty of the soul. Potency and Act is a condition of our nature, and it effects our total being, not just part of it *(mind) Now it is true the mind as a unit of our nature can not change, if it isn’t operating, (because the intelligence needs sense data which is gotten from the brain which is being renewed by sleep). When it is conscious it knows objective reality or subjective reality (in the mind, internal opposed to objective reality)Lets go back to the previous question: How a changeless being can cause anything?
One cannot resolve any problem by using words like prime mover unless s/he can clearly explain how.
Happiness is against sadness. So we again have two things since happiness is meaningless without sadness and vice versa. We cannot possibly conceive happiness if we could not conceive the opposite, namely sadness, and they are both necessary.
My point is very simple:
- One being, owning an intellect, cannot change unless it is exposed to a objective reality
- Beginning is the point at which changes is separated from no change
- The beginning can only happen when when one being can experience an objective reality
- Beginning at least depend on existence of two things
ans.2) Beginning is the point at which we are given existence, change is a condition of our nature, there are other conditions, such as matter and form, essence and existence. We are created with a nature that has the capacity to become (Potency) to becoming (Act) This is a real fact of our human experience. We are born and we go through stages of becoming mature adults, to old age and death. This is fact not fiction, not subjective reality but objective reality.3) You are again making our beginning a condition of experiencing objective reality which is done by the mind. Do people who don’t know objective reality exist. You bet!!
ans 4) You got that right if the two things are 1) the Creator, the uncaused cause, and 2) the caused, creation.
I rest my case, I can’t make it any clearer, you can believe what you desire, I can’t change your mind,thats the power of free will, even God won’t interfere.