Hi, in your explanation of Heresy is mostly false teaching of bible from Christian or even from Catholic priest himself. Eg :“preach to you a gospel besides what you have received, let him be anathema”. However it is not for unbeliever as they are unbeliever
In Vatican Counsel II, instead of calling other religion as Heresy, church is more open arm to the world by doing ecumenism and other Christian as Brother in Christ. Church and Bible have to be workable in the world of the time that we are living, and first of all is love: 1 Corinthians 13.
In Vatican Counsel II, instead of calling other religion as Heresy, church is more open arm to the world by doing ecumenism and other Christian as Brother in Christ. Church and Bible have to be workable in the world of the time that we are living, and first of all is love: 1 Corinthians 13.