If he did, he’s a blatant liar. The big bang theory was invented by a devout Catholic priest whom the Pope almost immediately appointed to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences.
For most of the 20th century the priest and his theory were openly derided by atheists who claimed he was merely trying to impose a theory which proves that the universe has a Creator. They stubbornly stuck to their own theory that the universe had always and will always exist in essentially the same form it is in now.
But the evidence which astronomers observed kept piling up and up in support of the Big Bang over the “steady-state” theory. Until finally by the late 1990s no scientist could possibly rationally deny that the scientific evidence for the Big Bang is overwhelming.
But did the atheist scientists then say, “OK we were wrong to deride that now deceased holy priest. Let’s open our minds to the possibility that maybe there is something to this God business”?
On the contrary. THEN they started saying that the Big Bang, instead of proving that God exists, for some reason shows that God doesn’t exist! And many of their lay disciples in the media and the general public just lapped up and regurgitated this nonsense.
You’ve just gotta laugh at those stubborn, self-contradictory atheists.