The Big Loser Of The 2020 Election Was CNN

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The Big Loser Of The 2020 Election Was CNN​

After four years of being all anti-Trump all the time, what will the once-proud ‘news’ network do if Biden actually ascends to the presidency?

By David Marcus

NOVEMBER 9, 2020

From the day Donald Trump shocked the world with his victory in the 2016 presidential election, CNN has been on a single mission to demonize, destroy, and defeat the 45th president of the United States. While Trump may have lost the election to Joe Biden, it was not the result CNN needed to justify their utter abandonment of actual journalism over the past four years. Not only is the presidential election so close that it could not be called for four days and is still in dispute, the GOP picked up a bunch of House seats and currently holds the Senate. Trump may have lost, but he was by no means repudiated.

Prior to Trump’s election, CNN . . . modus operandi was to be balanced.

When Trump took residence at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, that started to change, and fast. Starting early on with the Russian collusion hoax, then moving into impeachment, and finally during the COVID-19 response and 2020 election, CNN made a very conscious choice to be the president’s number one enemy in the news media. . . .

CNN made the public and obvious decision that Trump could not be covered like any other president. They believed that his “lies,” many of which were simply outer-borough hyperbole, need to be confronted, not reported. Every time something bad happened, it was evidence of Trump’s malign influence; . . . portraying themselves as heroes of the truth. The only people who didn’t realize how laughable it all was were those at CNN.

A lot of CNN’s problems started at the top. An embarrassing recent expose on CNN President Jeff Zucker in the Wall Street Journal revealed that his seven-year tenure is likely coming to an end soon. . . .

CNN is still third of the big three in ratings. The secret sauce in the toxic brew of failure that Zucker concocted at CNN over the last four years was turning a news channel into an opinion channel. The network came to see its job not so much as telling people what had happened on a given day, but analyzing events, and coloring all coverage through the lens of Trump being awful.

This attitude metastasized into absurd results, like allowing anchor Chris Cuomo to interview his brother New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo over and over, even after it became clear the latter had made deadly mistakes regarding nursing homes that CNN would barely ever even mention.

Being an opinion network is okay if you admit it, which CNN does not, but even by that measure they were horrible. . .

Even their daytime “news” coverage almost completely overlooked pro-Trump guests even though almost half the country supports the president. Again, this choice was made because they infantilized their audience, who they feared might be harmed by hearing what Trump’s supporters argued. It was their responsibility to protect their viewers and the nation . . . .
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Maybe Biden will use CNN as his go to for “matters of state” advice, much the same as Trump sought the advice of Fox News. Neither of them are worth watching.
CNN pushed (and / or lied about) the Russian hoax for the last 4 years. They have been a loser for some time now.
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