My parents never gave us “the talk” and all of my siblings and I agree that they should have (not that we have shared this criticism with them). My mom did tell us girls about menstruation when we were nearing that age, and talked about bras and such.
I got all of my info from the wrong places, partly friends, partly friends parents who had different values, etc.
So far, I have a 5 year old, a 3.5 year old and a 16 month old. When I was pregnant the last time, the older kids learned a lot about fetal development, and were simply told that “God put the baby into mamas uterus”, they were ok with that answer at that point.
I have the “Birds and the Bees” book by Popcak, and will read that when I am done with what I am currently reading, as I have heard good reviews of it.
I do intend to have many “talks” with my kids as they get older. I want them to learn about sex from the Catholic moral perspective and I want to be able to answer any questions that they have. IMO the idea of leaving books around with this kind of information is a great idea, it would allow the child to pick up and read what they want, when they are ready for it. Couple that with a relationship with mom and dad that is open to asking those embarrassing questions and I think you will be golden.
OP- If I were you, I would start now with leaving some books around, and having small talks here and there. You owe it to your children to teach them the morality of sex , just as you teach them other values, I am sure you’ll do a great job (say a little prayer with that intention daily

). Good Luck!