The Birds and The Bees

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I never got the talk…it would have been nice!
I never got “the talk” either. I just don’t think we can risk NOT talking to our kids today. So much from friends, neighbor kids, not to mention the media (all forms). It’s our God-given responsibility to teach our children in all matters----even the somewhat difficult ones to talk about:o .
It was difficult, at first, to begin discussions with my 11 y.o daughter, but now, I feel like we are so much closer and I truly think she is not shy to ask me about anything.
My parents never gave us “the talk” and all of my siblings and I agree that they should have (not that we have shared this criticism with them). My mom did tell us girls about menstruation when we were nearing that age, and talked about bras and such.

I got all of my info from the wrong places, partly friends, partly friends parents who had different values, etc.

So far, I have a 5 year old, a 3.5 year old and a 16 month old. When I was pregnant the last time, the older kids learned a lot about fetal development, and were simply told that “God put the baby into mamas uterus”, they were ok with that answer at that point.

I have the “Birds and the Bees” book by Popcak, and will read that when I am done with what I am currently reading, as I have heard good reviews of it.

I do intend to have many “talks” with my kids as they get older. I want them to learn about sex from the Catholic moral perspective and I want to be able to answer any questions that they have. IMO the idea of leaving books around with this kind of information is a great idea, it would allow the child to pick up and read what they want, when they are ready for it. Couple that with a relationship with mom and dad that is open to asking those embarrassing questions and I think you will be golden.

OP- If I were you, I would start now with leaving some books around, and having small talks here and there. You owe it to your children to teach them the morality of sex , just as you teach them other values, I am sure you’ll do a great job (say a little prayer with that intention daily :D). Good Luck!
There is a very good book called “The Wonderful Way Babies are Made” by Larry Christenson (sp?) It is written at two age levels…one for the younger set (4-7) and one for older kids (8-10). You can read to your young child and then have them ask any questions as you go along. Or older kids can read it on their own and then you can talk with them. It’s written from a Christian and moral viewpoint. I have left good books about this subject laying around so the kids can read it when they want. When they get to be about 12 or so, they really don’t want a big talk about sex. You need to be comfortable with the subject when they are young so it actually gets easier to talk about as they get older. My own education was so awful, I thought that when I started to menstruate, I would bleed out of my belly button. Imagine my horror when I discovered the truth. This is not fair to kids. They deserve the truth.
I never got “the talk” either. I just don’t think we can risk NOT talking to our kids today. So much from friends, neighbor kids, not to mention the media (all forms). It’s our God-given responsibility to teach our children in all matters----even the somewhat difficult ones to talk about:o .
It was difficult, at first, to begin discussions with my 11 y.o daughter, but now, I feel like we are so much closer and I truly think she is not shy to ask me about anything.
So true! Your daughter will be very open to you…what a blessing! Sounds like you are doing great! Daughters…wonder if I will ever have one…just boys for me so far!
I suggest Greg Popcak’s book Beyond the Birds and Bees. He writes all his books grounded in the Catholic faith and he uses humor and is easy to read. He has a great parenting book too and starts off talking about how it IS different to be a Catholic parent. I think he is published by Our Sunday Visitor. In Christ, Carrie
I just wanted to say thanks for the mentions of greg Popchak’s book. I have gone to my local Catholic bookstore to look for books on this topic and found only Protestant based books that talk about birth control.
I just wanted to say thanks for the mentions of greg Popchak’s book. I have gone to my local Catholic bookstore to look for books on this topic and found only Protestant based books that talk about birth control.
:eek: :eek: :eek:
I second Greg Popcak’s book, Beyond the Birds and the Bees.
Truly a right view of sexuality begins at birth. Kids notice how parents treat each other and how the genders interact. We made sure our girls knew when they played house that there had better be a husband there to father the babies. We make comments on the dress and attitudes of things we see on TV. We don’t allow shows that have characters who are immodestly dressed. People don’t believe me when I say my kids don’t watch Lizzi Mc Guire!

A couple of my eldest’s friend are no longer welcome to send her e-mail, one because of her acct name and two because they have sent sexually oriented jokes. These kids are 13! I sent each of those kids an e-mail letting them know why, too.
DVina said:

A couple of my eldest’s friend are no longer welcome to send her e-mail, one because of her acct name and two because they have sent sexually oriented jokes. These kids are 13! I sent each of those kids an e-mail letting them know why, too.

Oh my DVina!!! My 11-year-old just starting e-mailing her best friend. I made her give me her password, etc., so that she would know I might be checking on things. Guess I better start checking, eh?😦
Guess I better start checking, eh?😦
Yesterday! And be smart, too! Have all the mail sent to your junk folder or something else where she won’t look before putting it, marked unread, into her own folder. My DD has learned how to delete twice so I never see it.
Oh my DVina!!! My 11-year-old just starting e-mailing her best friend. I made her give me her password, etc., so that she would know I might be checking on things. Guess I better start checking, eh?😦
I always check my girls email … but they know it!
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