The Blind Goddess!

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I have pointed out that there can be an element of Chance **within **the framework of Design
Then you are agreeing that your dichotomy was too limiting, and are accepting at least a trichotomy of design, not-design and both.
but there cannot be an element of Design without a framework.
Why not? What is impossible about an island of design in a sea of not-design? You accept islands of not-design in a sea of design. Expand the islands and shrink the sea. You get a lake of design in a continent of not-design.
The analagy is unsound because a Jackson Pollock painting is static and doesn’t contain living, purposeful beings.
The logic we are discussing applies to both. My analogy stands.
The purpose of the designer is not extrinsic!
Of course it is. The designer is external to the designed object. The hammer-designer is separate from and external to the hammer. Unless you are saying that every individual living organism is the designer, then the designer is external to all living organisms. The designer’s purpose belongs to the designer. Other living organisms can set other purposes separate from the purposes of the designer. Or are you saying that humans have no free will and must at all times follow the purposes of the designer, and no other purposes?
Not at all. The element of Chance within the framework of Design does not alter the fundamentally rational nature of the universe. Science wouldn’t exist if the universe were fundamentally disorderly and unpredictable.
Nor would life exist. By our very presence here we are living in a universe where life is possible. This is the anthropic principle. If there were a universe in which life were not possible, then we would never be present to observe it.

Does the Islamic State exist or not exist? Some claim that it exists, others claim that it does not. Some claim that the Confederacy still lives, others claim that it does not.

You can always be an investigator and follow the facts, that which IS (true) and that which
ISN’T (not true)and from the determination of the facts you have your answer
If you can’t determine fact from non-fact you better look for another job, which I assume
would be impossible because all jobs require factual knowledge of the job.

rossum, I say this in friendship “You’r a trip”🙂 and I bet you are good at playing “Dodge Ball”😛
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