The Case for God

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I am interested in hearing Catholic Answers participants talk about the single most important reason they believe in the existence of God.

Thank you.

After looking around the world and the universe, I can find NO reason NOT to Believe in GOD.

Speaking merely in personal (and not logical or anything like that) terms, I acknowledge the existence of God because I’m being called to the priesthood.

Without God, who’s calling me? Nothing? That’s totally not cool.

From a logical perspective, there is plenty of evidence that points to the existence of God. Check deist principles, they’re rather informative when it comes to using this evidence and formulating pretty sound logic and reasoning to make the case for God.
I don’t mind saying I’m a little disappointed in the answers.

Thanks, anyway.
I don’t know what kind of answers your looking for. I gave you an honest one.

I don’t know why I believe in God. It’s deeper than just a reason, it’s more than just that. It’s a relationship, it’s love. It’s feeling His presence, it’s giving my life to Him because He gave His only son for me.

If that’s a disappointing answer, then good luck finding one that suits your desires.
i often cant tell the difference between logical arguments and word games, maybe i am logic dyslexic:)

but if you wish to know the true source of my belief, if you wish to see from where that river flows, you need look no further than my faith.

I need no reason, no argument and no artificial construct.

my Faith is simply an act of Will, powered by the grace of G-d

why should I spend my life as most do needing Reasons alone to act, or believe one way or the other, i am not a lemming, i am a man.

I am Captain of this ship, i submit to no argument, to no words of man.

i throw myself completely on the mercy of my G-d, nothing else matters.

If he chooses to harden my heart and damn me, so be it, i will not turn from Him.

If he chooses to take my left hand, i will give him my right, and count it a blessing that He has the full set.

If he takes my wife, i will praise Him, she was never mine, she was always his.

If he takes my children, i will thank him, better they be with him than with me.

i truly desire to want nothing aside from His Divine Will

i hope to die to myself, that i might rise with him

I hope to be as Paul was, to be able to say, “it is no longer me, but Christ inside me”

So whats your reason?

Thank you for asking.

To the agnostic and the atheist I say: any philosophy that says the universe is meaningless, is itself meaningless, since that philosophy is part of a “meaningless” universe. We look for meaning (purpose) everywhere in the universe. That being the case, why shouldn’t the universe itself have meaning or purpose? And why should the only creature who can imagine a Thing greater than the universe not reach out to that Thing in search of fulfilling its own purpose?
uhh… err… umm…

agnostics never said that the universe was meaningless. lol.
we just believe that it’s beyond our comprehension. to believe
that it was created by a monotheistic all powerful jealous god
seems a little silly. in fact, just as silly as many other religions.

i don’t know why yall catholics are so big on the logic game.
i mean i know it’s all we humans have really but to use to prove
god’s existence?? c’mon now.

trying to use words/language to explain god? think about it!
words? it’s like the worst form of communication? words
only make up about 5% of communication.

but i see why you might want to use it. because logic is
not absolute and can be twisted to every which way to prove a point.
I could not speak for others, but He allows me to see beyond what I could or thought of.

i think you might have just made his case for him.🙂
I believe that there are realities in life that scientific methodology (methodological naturalism) is truly unable to answer for, not because I believe that science is false in any way, but simply because science is correctly limited to its own realm or disciplines of study.

*–My personal thought on why men resort to atheism is because there are endless voices calling out to man, while each voice proclaiming it is “the truth,” but the only one with concrete universally accepted evidence (not personal evidence) is scientific research and advancement. Thus man forms his vision of the world and life based on test, repeat, test, repeat. And from fear that deception is awaiting in this “leap of faith,” man believes only what science discovers, thus becoming a naturalist.-- *

So Why do I believe? Deeper realities. There are common in every person certain longings and if not longings then questions about the meaning of life. What is the purpose and answer to life’s greatest study: Its meaning? Christians believe, opposing atheists, that life’s meaning is God. The reason we are alive is that God gave us life. That life is enjoyable and not that God benefits from us, but that we benefit immensely by living and enjoying it with each other and with God. The true source of enjoying this life is not found in material things. In fact, the greatest unhappiness and consequently the highest suicide rate is found among the rich. The inventions of man may pacify the longings of the body for a time or may cause that man temporarily forgets his despair but only until the body calls again and the memory recalls mans unhappy state. Because of this vicious cycle man often becomes enslaved to the inventions of man. True inner peace, life, joy and happiness are to be found in God alone. God is love. And Christians believe the way to find this God who gives all these gifts we are so desperately in need of is Jesus Christ.

In Jesus Christ the longings and questions are adequately answered and the inner person is overflowed with satisfaction and fulfillment. Christ has taught man to follow him and these are the rewards of this way. When a Christian or non-Christian tastes of the way of Christ and does so indeed receive those inner rewards, then this becomes another source of evidence for Christianity to be true. Because it does exactly what it claims to do and it becomes very personal to the one experiencing this because the very deepest of man’s needs are fulfilled in Christ. The very most secret place in man is touched and healed by Jesus Christ. The Christians who experience such a powerful transformation of their lives cannot deny the truth of Christ’s teaching and thus cannot deny Christianity.

From obeying the sayings of Christ one finds himself walking in true freedom from bodily and mental slavery, including spiritual slavery. “The truth will make you free.” Christ takes the pain, emptiness, and all things disordered and twisted in the soul that has been damaged by the pernicious content of this world and he heals it ALL. The person following the way of Christ cannot then help but echo the same claims made by millions before who have experienced the awesome power of God in Christ Jesus, that it is truth. What Christ says is not empty, nor superfluous, but he is the way, the truth, and the life, the light of the world that shines into the hearts of man. If the mind cannot see Christ as the truth about the natural sciences, it can most certainly see that Christ holds the truth about the deeper realities in life, about the deeper realities in man.

like you are really going to read all that but it’s one reason why I believe!
*–My personal thought on why men resort to atheism is because there are endless voices calling out to man, while each voice proclaiming it is “the truth,” but the only one with concrete universally accepted evidence (not personal evidence) is scientific research and advancement. Thus man forms his vision of the world and life based on test, repeat, test, repeat. And from fear that deception is awaiting in this “leap of faith,” man believes only what science discovers, thus becoming a naturalist.-- *
Thats an interesting thought
There are 7 proofs of God that some of the greatest philosophical and Catholic thinkers have discovered over the centuries. If you want to glance at some of them here is the link… click # 3 “does God exist”
I know there’s some higher force in the universe who was responsible for our creation and our lives.

I call Him God because He gives me a sense of security and even insightfulness without needing the Bible. It gives me a sense of Logic.

Ironically Yours, Blade and Blood
uhh… err… umm…

agnostics never said that the universe was meaningless. lol.
we just believe that it’s beyond our comprehension. to believe
that it was created by a monotheistic all powerful jealous god
seems a little silly. in fact, just as silly as many other religions.

i don’t know why yall catholics are so big on the logic game.
i mean i know it’s all we humans have really but to use to prove
god’s existence?? c’mon now.

trying to use words/language to explain god? think about it!
words? it’s like the worst form of communication? words
only make up about 5% of communication.

but i see why you might want to use it. because logic is
not absolute and can be twisted to every which way to prove a point.
For one, if words make up 5% of you are at the wrong place to debate about Gods existence. Also the premise on which agnosticism was formed (until god is proven, you shouldn’t believe in him) is very flawed. The existence of god cannot be proven. However there is a lot of evidence pointing to gods existence, and there is a lot of evidence showing that the universe did not happening randomly.

Just the existence of the laws of physics show that the universe did not randomly happen. order does not come from chaos.
Hi Charlemagne,

As said above, proofs of the existence of God are various and many. How do you explain then that, of two great scientists or philosopher or whatever, one believes and the other does not? This indicates that the WILL intervenes in the process and that proof is not enough; acceptance also has to be present. If something as obvious as the holocaust can be denied, it is not surprising that, no matter the proofs, God’s existence could be denied. Accepting God implies submission to His purpose in your life and living accordingly.

Most believers in God have never rationalized their belief and could not give you proof. Acceptance of a supreme being is generalized throughout the world, and you could say that the “common consent of humans” is a proof of the existence of God. Now “common consent” used to be in favor of the sun going around the earth. It made “common sense” to accept the testimony of our senses that this was so. If someone thought otherwise, the burden of proof was on them to supply proof of the contrary, which they eventually did.

In the same way, the burden is on the atheist to prove that God does not exist. This has never been done.

So proofs of the existence of God, whatever they may be, confirm believers in their belief but do not change the views of unbelievers. You ask why I believe. I believe because God was transmitted down to me through the ages by people whom I trust.

Finally, since the will is implicated in this belief, God must of necessity intervene to help the will make the right choice. It is God who convinces us that He exists.
It is God who convinces us that He exists.
Proof of God does not exist. There will never be proof. There can never be proof. However, there is evidence. Evidence is not proof. Proof is absolutely, proof confirms a truth. Evidence, on the other hand, merely points to a truth, but does not necessarily confirm it.

Additionally, God does not convince anyone that He exists. If He did convince people, that would remove our ability to use free will out of the equation. God makes an argument for His existence through the urging of the Holy Spirit and other ways. However, He never explicitly convinces anyone.
I’ve found that the prouder I’ve been in life, the harder it is to believe in God. Pride and faith appear to be mutually exclusive as pride seems to be related to fear of what others think- it rather ironically seems to play its’ part in the herd mentality. On the other hand, the more I’ve humbled myself before God, the more He’s rewarded me with even greater faith.

But beyond that, there are aspects of this world which simply transcend the ordinary and point to the extra-ordinary. Beauty and love are two of those. Moral evil also has a transcendent quality because it just doesn’t fit-man goes way beyond what reason would ever dictate in his selfishness and horrible treatment of fellow humans and other creatures. These and other reasons tell me there’s something more going on here than meets the eye. And then the Churchs’ doctrines on the reality and nature of evil and suffering -her teaching on OS-make sense because she teaches that those things are unnatural-they’re allowed for now but won’t be forever.

The existence of God may be beyond sciences’ capabilities to prove or disprove but the world makes a whole lot more sense to me with Him than without Him.
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