It’s always unpleasant the hear pro-life speakers invoking Abolitionists as exemplars because Abolitionism was fiercely anti-Catholic; Catholics were regarded as being as debased by their faith as slaves were by their chains. Moreover, the Abolitionists were vehemently in favor of violent revolution and the idea that higher law justified overriding all laws and conventions, something inimical to the Church’s moral theology.
Not an Abolitionist himself, Lincoln’s reduction of civic morality to expedience and his exultation sophistry have long carried the day in American political life. The Catholic Confederates were right in opposition to the delirious form of national despotism that Lincoln made into a new gospel.
Not an Abolitionist himself, Lincoln’s reduction of civic morality to expedience and his exultation sophistry have long carried the day in American political life. The Catholic Confederates were right in opposition to the delirious form of national despotism that Lincoln made into a new gospel.