The Catholic Identity: Why do you choose to be/remain a Catholic?

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Amen! Truly praise God for all the sharings!

@gohjedrek and @Mark121359 Thank you for the wonderful sharing about Mother Mary! It resonates with me tremendously too! It is in Mother Mary’s complete faith and obedience to Jesus Christ, always orientating me to Him. In my prayer of the Holy Rosary, I grew closer to Jesus through Mother Mary, as I contemplated about the sacred mysteries of the Holy Rosary. I always look up to Mother Mary, hoping to emulate how Mary lived a life for Christ. In my obedience, I hope that I will obtain what was promised through Jesus Christ our Lord!

A perfect model of how all it takes is my obedience and faith in Christ! It is in my brokenness that I am able to truly and genuinely reflect the light of Christ to people.

Truly, our blessed Mother always leads us to Jesus Christ, a perfect reflection of God’s grace and love for His people! 😃
I am Christian because I believe in Christ, and I belong to the Orthodox Church because that is where I sense beauty, unity and continuity in faith and life. I am sure many Catholics can relate to that?

Conflicting views on Church politics within our hierarchy does not affect me much, I rarely think about it to be honest, but I can see why many Catholics would shake their heads looking at it from the outside. 😂
It’s interesting that we see the “friendliness” level differently. I became a Catholic almost two years ago from a very protestant background. I have found my parish to be far and away more “friendly” then the other churches I have gone too. Definitely not me questioning you, it’s just very interesting to me to see the different thoughts by a fellow convert.
I became a Catholic close to two years ago. It took a while for me to convert. The things I had been taught by the protestant churches I attended my whole life took time to get reconciled. But after a lot of study, including the Apostolic Fathers, I concluded that it is truly the one true Church. I can still remember my first confession and the first time I asked our Holy Mother to intercede! Awe inspiring moments in my life!
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