Too many catholics put their politics ahead of their Faith-especially on the issue of abortion.
One would hope that EVERY Catholic puts their politics ahead of their faith!! St Paul tells us that ‘faith without good works is dead’ and ‘love is the greatest act of faith’.Corrinthians 13: 1-7
John 6 tells us that Christ is the giver of life. Only He can take it back again.
It is the solemn duty of EVERY CHRISTIAN to defend the weak, the poor, those in prison, those without sufficient basic needs. This is the meaning of the Beatitudes as taught by Our Lord. Love for the poor and vulnerable is TRUE religion and the greatest way to worship God. In that sense, politics IS faith!
Additionally, St Paul says ‘faith without good works is dead’!
Further, Pauls tells us that the whole of the Scriptures can be summed up in one word ‘love’ . ‘He who loves his neighbour has met every aspect of the law’. ‘love your neighbour as much as you love yourself’ Romans 12:9
History reveals how evil the forces of satan are, the Holocaust being a case-in point. But the evil of abortion goes one step further: it attacks the most vulnerable and it promotes the view that ‘life’ is not sacrosanct. It promotes a cultural value that ‘life is expendable’! That the most vulnerable, are the most expendable.
It is enough surely to kill another person. Willful murder according to the bible is one of the most serious sins, which ‘cries out to Heaven for vengeance’. I
n this case, the innocent are not merely deemed expendable and killed, but it is done so, in unimaginable torture. Medicine tells us that the unborn baby feels pain. How would you feel if you were killed by having your limbs ripped apart and then being disembowled while you were still alive?
Socail Justice IS politics. The Lord gave all authority to His Church. She is using that in the defence of the weak, vulnerable, poor and oppressed… That is her duty and command from her Master. We know from the Scriptures that children were especially valued by the Lord.
Paul speaks about the evil of idolatory. Abortion is the greatest act of Idolatory.
May I ask a question? If you are on your way to church to worship God and you see a fellow human being in need, do you proceed to church or do you miss church to go to his aid?
Catholics would more likely do the latter. That is the teachings of Jesus Christ, the prophets and the whole of the law.