There is an apostolic letter by Blessed John Paul which accompanies the CCC, addressing the following:how should the laity read the CCC? Should they read it?
I want to know what should the laity do with the CCC since it was intended for Bishops.
Should the CCC be in the home of every Catholic?
“To my Venerable Brother Cardinals, Patriarchs, Archbishops, Bishops, Priests, Deacons and to other members of the People of God…”
A little past mid-way, he specifically addresses catechists:
“Catechists will find in this genuine, systematic prseentation of the faith and of Catholic doctrine a totally reliable way to present, with renewed fervor, each and every part of the Christian message to the people of our time. This text will provide every catechist with sound help for communicating the one, perennial deposit of faith within the local Church, while seeking, with the help of the Holy Spirit, to link the wonderous unityi of the Christian mystery with the varied needs and conditions of those to whom this message is addressed. All catechetical activity will be able to experience a new, widespread impetus among the People of God, if it can properly use and appreciate this post-conciliar * Catechism*.”
The next paragraph, he speaks of the need of commitment to evangelization, and then exhorts the bishops to “disseminate the text more widely…”
Next paragraph: “Through the harmonious and complementary efforts of all the ranks of the People of God, may this Catechism be known and shared by everyone…”