Even if what you say is true, it still raises the question: is there an inherrent contradiction in something coming from nothing? I answer: no.Logically, a child is an effect of it’s parents.
Therefore, a child can not pre-exist its parents. (per the definition of an effect)
Imagine your grandmother as an infant.
Now, imagine your mother as an adult.
So here’s the question:
Can you imagine your mother giving birth to your grandmother? I can.
To my understanding, logically impossible just means that there’s an inherent contradiction, as there is in the above.
As to the rest of your post, I either imagine the grandmother still being the mother by some whacky time travel shenanigans, and thus is not logically impossible, or else the grandmother is not really the mother of your mother, in which case, I can imagine a clone of my grandmother being birthed by my mother, But I cannot imagine the Actual woman who birthed my mother being birthed by my mother.