The community makes the Mass possible?

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Karl Keating:
Well, one out of four ain’t good.

A. There are no “local rules” for parishes. Rubrics are universal, with certain adaptations being made when requested by national bishops conferences. Rubrics do not change parish by parish.

B. There is no rule to stand until everyone has received. In the U.S. the proper posture after Communion is kneeling.


**Many parishes in the Cincinnati area do have a “rule” that the people must stand during Communion “as a sign of uniy”…Naturally, this makes me a little crazy, because I am aware that kneeling is the proper posture during and after Communion…I do this, no matter what the “house rules” are (unless I am in the choir and there is no room to kneel). **

You never really know, from parish to parish, what will happen when it is time for Communion. The people have been made to feel that it is MANDATORY to stand, and indeed, are sometimes reminded to do so. Makes me mad.
Not according to our Bishop. He said we must all stand & we should pay attention to the procession of people going up to recieve Communion. We are to be in unity with those who have yet to recieve, instead of with our Lord whom we have just recieved.
In Cleveland when they tried to sneak that in the new GIRM, they got so many complaints they bishop then said “it was only a suggestion” lol.
Not according to our Bishop. He said we must all stand & we should pay attention to the procession of people going up to recieve Communion. We are to be in unity with those who have yet to recieve, instead of with our Lord whom we have just recieved.

I tried to obey, but now I kneel & pray.
Our Bishop has basically said the same thing. Some parishes follow the directive, some don’t. I kneel anyway, and sometimes I am the only one in the church doing so, but I don’t care…It is Christ in the Eucharist who puts me in community other believers…It is He I want to honor.
How do we know who is right? Are our Bishops lying to us? Are they just confused? Is Karl Keating confused?

I’m going to keep doing what I think is right, but something is wrong if the Bishops are telling us the wrong things. Sometimes I think the Bishops & priests want us to become Protestant. I didn’t convert to the Catholic Church to be a Protestant again! I want to be CATHOLIC!
Can anyone help me out on the previous question? I would love to be able to prove to my Bishop that he’s wrong & Karl Keating & I are correct. I’ve read the GIRM & it seems to say that it’s up the Bishop.
<<<I didn’t convert to the Catholic Church to be a Protestant again! I want to be CATHOLIC>>>

Bonnie, I had to smile when I read this, because I have been known to voice the very same sentiment. It seems that many of the things I became a Catholic to enjoy are gone…

**On a more serious note, it is this very problem that finally drove my cradle Catholic husband out of the Church, and into an Evangelical Protestant one. **
Not according to our Bishop. He said we must all stand & we should pay attention to the procession of people going up to recieve Communion.
Ouch! This reminds me of an unfortunate period in my teens, when I used to see the Communion procession as an opportunity to gawk at and compare how everyone was dressed for church that Sunday. I’m sure that’s not something the bishop intended to encourage.

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